The Art of Bartering

u69too's Avatar
Bartering is almost as old as the oldest Profession. I'm curious, how many providers have done sexual favors in exchange for services. My former ATF told me that she has blown a few cabbies for free rides. I do know years ago when I was delivery guy... i never received an "offer I could not refuse"! lol
Iaintliein's Avatar
The subject has come up several times here and on the "old board". Most of the stories told are about deals gone bad, probably because people keep the ones that work to themselves.
I have done about $2000 worth of Auto repair and received about $500 worth of pussy. If I do any more barter deals its gonna be COD or POD in this case.

I love how a gal can tell me they are broke and yet be too busy to see me.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've done a lot of bartering, and with only one exception, they've all gone well. And it's the same when I've done a few "pay in advance" type of deals.

Maybe I'm not the norm. But I've written about bartering in the past.

Just have to have clear boundaries. Done bartering for a couple of computers, firewood, plumbing issues, etc.

Right now, I would be VERY open to bartering for a couple of airline tickets to a predetermined destination. Just ask me!!!
Who the hell was your ATF? Why could she not afford a cab ride? I don't offer my services in RW at all. Are you kidding me? Where do you find these girls? Smh.....
ManSlut's Avatar
Who the hell was your ATF? Why could she not afford a cab ride? I don't offer my services in RW at all. Are you kidding me? Where do you find these girls? Smh..... Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Maybe his ATF was Elisabeth.

Just joking Elisabeth, we all know you'd never blow a cabbie...Don't we?
So, who can do this kind of barter in the hobby?

Trade up from a SW car date to an overnight at ZaZa?
Iaintliein's Avatar
So, who can do this kind of barter in the hobby?

Trade up from a SW car date to an overnight at ZaZa? Originally Posted by Meerschaum
LOL, I'm sure this isn't the case but my first thought was, "I'll come trade with you in person. . . and rob you until I've robbed enough people to get a house. . . or an island, etc.".

With this thread and another about increasing provider fees recently, it's looking more and more like the economy is not doing as well as some say and many hope.

Maybe instead of barter we should start an auction section, we could call it "Shebay".
Maybe his ATF was Elisabeth.

Just joking Elisabeth, we all know you'd never blow a cabbie...Don't we? Originally Posted by ManSlut
I wouldn't blow my cabbie.

99.9% of them don't speak or even understand English.
Im not sure, Would you go to a nice restaurant these days and say... Excuse me I don't have any money and im hungry but would love to give you what I have like maybe my PC or a really set of nice car rims in exchange? I doubt it. I guess some will but is king. Ive been offered photo sessions and cameras and the like but wth? Its a business!!! If you don't have the money then simply wait until you do!!! If you never do then maybe there might be a problem. Or maybe you might be able to barter your Foodstamp card!!! Im sure that will work!!! JEEZ!!!
I have never done full barter before. I have offered slight discount to a client a few times in the past for tennis lessons. He was a pro.
I've offered up Mavs and Starz tickets (nice ones too, in the Platinum Club) and really haven't found anyone that interested. I travel and offered paid trips and that too is not always as easy to find a provider willing to travel.
I suppose on the other side of the coin, especially for trips, it's time away and therefore a 'loss' of income to the provider. However I think the tickets, trips etc holds value in itself too.....
ManSlut's Avatar
I wouldn't blow my cabbie.

99.9% of them don't speak or even understand English. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
Sure you wouldn't, I almost believe you.
Knight2554's Avatar
Pre-paid and bartered with no problems. Once had a difference of opinion about value of object so just paid the cash. Communication is key.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Im not sure, Would you go to a nice restaurant these days and say... Excuse me I don't have any money and im hungry but would love to give you what I have like maybe my PC or a really set of nice car rims in exchange? I doubt it. I guess some will but is king. Ive been offered photo sessions and cameras and the like but wth? Its a business!!! If you don't have the money then simply wait until you do!!! If you never do then maybe there might be a problem. Or maybe you might be able to barter your Foodstamp card!!! Im sure that will work!!! JEEZ!!! Originally Posted by Kimberly Clark
I agree about the photo sessions. There has only been one "hobbiest" that I've taken pictures with that was actually a photographer and I still use a few of his photos.

However, MOST men who offer "photography" services are out to get free poontang and it's an easy sell especially for newbie females. I'm against THAT type of bartering.

But I did a 90 minute appointment for a computer once (if you're reading this, yes, it was twice!). And I also did a trade for two Nascar tickets. THAT was rather odd but I loved it because I had never been to a Nascar race and well, it was fun!

And once I did a trade for a back of a pickup truck FULL of cut firewood.

I don't see how that is cheapening myself, or the experience that I offer, by doing a barter type of deal.

But I certainly do believe, also, that cash is king. I just don't like to limit my options. That's why I'll accept gift cards, VISA type of cards, bartering and I'll use a Square (only for those that I actually know!).

What I've just written, I've written in the past. I find bartering to be interesting. And rather true blue, when it works out nicely.