Dilemma with reviews

What do you think of a girl that has a lot of reviews? Do you think that means she is high volume, tacky? Why is it that some guys are regulars, but do not review their providers? Is this a way of keeping a "good find" a secret so you won't have to share? I am also wondering about posting reviews on websites. I could see the benefit, but others might find it a turn off to be reviewed so much. Not to mention unwanted attention from LE. You can't please everyone. This is just something I am curious about.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Part of why some don't review is they are scared of the consequences from the other lady they are seeing knowing they aren't the only one getting "his attention or mainly his cash especially after she stuck her claim on him ..which I find disgusting and very elementary but as long as the the gents allows the jealous provider to act that way it will never change....I am so sick of hearing..yes I have refs I have seen so-n-so but please don't contact her she will make my life hell.....
Most of the people I see don't write reviews. The majority are UTR and very private. Many read this and other boards but just don't contribute. I figure they have their reasons for this!

Your right Britney, you can't please everyone. Figure out what audience you want and what they like, then work from there!
sixxbach's Avatar
well i write them because I like to share the wealth. i am private about certain things but nothing really pertaining to the hobby. we all have to hide our participation in the hobby to the real world.... why do it here too? but i can understand and respect those who choose to be UTR. I also think when someone sees me they know they will be reviewed and my sessions reflect it. i am honest in my reviews and will praise those who deserve it. besides im not hard to please lol

wthout my reviews and many many others, the board would be nothing IMO
Simply Alisha's Avatar
Most of the people I see don't write reviews. The majority are UTR and very private. Many read this and other boards but just don't contribute. I figure they have their reasons for this!.....
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
You've got it, missy I pretty much only see UTR's, as well. Which suits me just fine. Sometimes all the kissing-and-telling, just isn't necessary.

I just had someone email me the other day, and say they had only seen one recent review of me. Wondered if something had "gone wrong"?

I explained to them absolutely not. All was fine. And that loads of reviews aren't necessary in this business....but consistent ones were!

And then you add in all the drama that Victoria mentioned (been there, done that),.... geez...

Schmafty's Avatar
Why is it that some guys are regulars, but do not review their providers? Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
I don't know about all cases, but I think sometimes if a client is a regular and he has already written a review, he may not review subsequent visits because all pertinent details have been shared and there is no new information to report.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
I don't know about all cases, but I think sometimes if a client is a regular and he has already written a review, he may not review subsequent visits because all pertinent details have been shared and there is no new information to report. Originally Posted by Shmafty
Very true. Not to mention, reviewing the same lady over and over can get you labeled a WK.
At first, I liked being reviewed. I wanted to establish myself. I am only 6 months Indy, but I think I have achieved my goal now. As far as jealous providers....there seems to be a lot of that going around lately. It's amazing what some desperate souls will do to prevent "their" client from seeing another girl. Variety is the spice of life! I get the whole thing about not writing multiple reviews on the same girl. I meant a review period. I was just curious.
sixxbach's Avatar
and there is the flipside to providers being jealous......... the hobbyists who wont see a girl if she sees a certain client. that is happened to me a couple of times. anyone who would do that to a girl (put pressure) is pathetic. i could understand if its an SO or they have some kind of exclusive sugar daddy-baby relationship. the only loyalty in the hobby is money and sexual need
Willen's Avatar
I have to say it's something of a dilemma about writing a review. I don't do so for most sessions, because I tend to see favorites over and over. Or I just don't have the time. If she has a number of reviews, especially if I've reviewed her in the last year, I don't see that mine adds much (unless my experience is at odds with other folks' and it doesn't seem as though either she or I had a bad day, or simply failed to click) to the pool of knowledge.

But, there's a question elsewhere about providers seeing BCD comments in reviews so as to give their side. My comment on that is that I don't blame a provider for wanting to know about that "no" recommendation, but that on the whole seeing BCD stuff and responding has more drawbacks than advantages. The remedy for providers is to have a bunch of reviews out there, so that th ecommunity can decide that my (hypothetically) negative review of Britney or whomever says more in fact about me than about her. so we need that pool of knowledge--i.e. several reviews.
If a session lives up to the expectation that I had, then I ask the provider if she is interested in my writing a review. Most make their desires clear on the subject and I act accordingly. I usually only review a provider once.

If the session does not turn out as expected, I feel that I have an obligation to my fellow hobbyists to tell them the facts regarding the encounter.
I normally write reviews but I must admit that due to time constraints, I am a couple of reviews behind. I believe that as a member of this board, I should contribute as often as possible. After all, isn't information what we are all here for? When I first started hobbying I wrote reviews that were long and overly full of self-promotion. No more. I agree that we have a few of our reviewers who write reviews that everyone wants to read and I enjoy reading them myself at times. The reviews that I write are now mostly "just the facts".
I will write a review about my experience with a lady each time I see her unless it is more than about 1 every two months or if there is a distinct change in circumstances.
We do have a provider who advertises that she had a certain number of great reviews in a short amount of time. I don't care to visit her for that reason. She may be great but if she has that many reviews in a short amount of time, I contend that she had to have seen waaaaaaay more men than I would care to follow!
I am not concerned about "Provider Jealousy". The ladies that I have visited, for the most part, are seriously above all of that. The ones that aren't, I don't see. Like the ladies that I choose to spend time with, I have a reputation to uphold!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
..........they are scared of the consequences from the other lady they are seeing knowing they aren't the only one getting "his attention or mainly his cash especially after she stuck her claim on him ....... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Awwww, you say that like it's a bad thing...........some of them do like to be "claimed" , even if it's to face consequences later when they get caught screwing around.

But I wouldn't know about that and I personally agree with Tess that consistent reviews are much more important than frequent ones.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Awwww, you say that like it's a bad thing...........some of them do like to be "claimed" , even if it's to face consequences later when they get caught screwing around.

But I wouldn't know about that and I personally agree with Tess that consistent reviews are much more important than frequent ones. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
I can't seem to find the "don't make me puke" emoticon. Sorry, but your ethics suck IMO & the Mistress/sub protocol is not appropriate in the hobby where it skews the market. Let me apologize in advance to everyone for all the WK's who are going to spew in response to my comment. Blehhhh

On to the topic at hand... I was definitely one of the most reviewed ladies my first six months and after my first year. The volume wasn't more than I could handle, obviously, as the reviews have always been excellent. Maybe that means I'm a nympho or maybe it means that I am GENUINE. I know it's the latter, but some believe what they want to believe.

Alisha's point in regard to consistency is absolutely valid especially if it's over a span of years. I'm rarely reviewed anymore but that comes with having been around almost four years. It kinda hurts at times because us Aries like being in the limelight and after being so popular in the past, I feel a bit sad not getting shout outs as often. The continuing quality of my reviews does maintain my reputation for excellence and that is what matters.

I take a lot of pride in my level of service in providing an incall that's comfortable, taking time w/ my appearance, keeping up w/ latest techniques and trends, and offering an uninhibited experience that's truly all about the man. Reviews reflect this and are crucial to a ladies continued success. Having your name show up in the review list is also going to keep your phone ringing, so if you haven't seen a review of your fave lady in a while, perhaps you should get to typing!

Don't let the fluctuations get to you, Britney. It's a market that's got many factors affecting the flow of business and communication. You've had a strong presence and your posts requesting feedback are an example of how much you care about making the hobby experience the best it can be. Keep it up!

Onceler's Avatar
Reviews exist to allow the clients to make informed decisions. Not for the benefit or publicity of providers. They are not for public defending, braggadocio, or quid pro quo.
Permission should not be required to post accurate and decision worthy information in a public forum. If I were to be refused repeat service by a woman because of a review I posted, then I wasn't going to want a return appointment. In my opinion, a review is based on MY willingness to share the experience, not the lady's.

I am laid back on almost all topics on the board, but reviews are the reason I read and how I make decisions. If the integrity of that information is challenged and corrupted, might as well all go home then.

...balcony is closed...