Hey plant lovers and gardeners. Sure is hot in Dallas!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
How are your plants handling the heat wave?

Moved several plants, the ones that were possible, indoors late last week. But a few, like my smallish aloe vera plant, got a little too much sun and a few leaves have fallen off.

I'm more of a gardener in my head and heart rather than one in real life. I'm barely keeping my mint and rosemary plants alive that are outdoors.

But it's interesting to me to hear of what others are doing in terms of gardening. Trying to grow a few container vegetables each summer has always been the goal. This summer, though, haven't tried to plant vegetables. Purchased a few flowering plants for the patio and they seem to be holding up alright with daily watering.

Gosh. It's hot.

Hope everyone is staying hydrated!!! Animals, too!

Just musing on a boring Monday afternoon,
TinMan's Avatar
Just giving them plenty of water and praying for a break in the heat. Thankfully, I don’t try to grow plants that aren’t adapted to this part of the country, so I don’t have too many casualties.
Corn did well for the squirrels.
Tomato bush was slow, it flowers but it's to hot to pollinate.

Started the Fall plants with a LED grow lamp last week.
Will put them out in a month.
lgbsfu's Avatar
I am having really good luck with
plastic plants, just wash them off every
couple of weeks. Hope they don't melt.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i couldn't care less about my plants or grass. i run my sprinkler system twice a week two times a day to keep my house from cracking in two and falling into the ground.
CG2014's Avatar
In my entire lifetime, I have never owned a plant nor had one in my residence.

It's a waste of time and money: it will die eventually.

Same for pets: dogs, cats, goldfish, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc. Don't need one, don't want one.

Also same applies for human offsprings: waste of time and money and a lifetime of heartache and aggravation.

What I do with the grass outside?

Twice a month, I will pay a couple of those Hispanic who crossed our borders furtively to gain access into these United States of America and are residing here illegally to cut it.

Pay them $60 in cash tax free and treat them to a hamburger happy meal lunch each time:

they are as happy as clams that I don't call Inmigración on them while I tell them Welcome to America and send them away with a 6 pack of that Corona Mexican Piss Beer they love so much.

If I happen to feel generous I will throw in a couple of limes.

Oh and if they do get picked up by Inmigración, NO WORRIES MATE, for each one that is send back, there are 100s of them waiting in line, fighting and stepping over each other to cut my grass and dig ditches.

Don't believe me? Drive down to Royal Lane and Dennis Road early in the morning with a pickup truck and pull into the parking lot of the convenience store there and see how many Mexican men jump into the back of your truck before you have even come to a complete stop where you can see the tread of your tires, begging for work to make a meager $30 cash.

ALSO, if you drive down to that same Royal Lane and Dennis Road later in the day with a pickup truck and pull into the same parking lot of the convenience store there, you will also be able to pick up Mexican women begging for work to make a meager $30 cash.

Ain't America great?

CG2014's Avatar
For those who want to say my ^^^ post is racist, you are all as guilty as I am in supporting illegal immigration and undocumented Hispanic laborers.

We all do it, consciously and unconsciously.

The fruits and vegetables you eat from the grocery store or at a restaurant is picked and packed by undocumented Hispanic laborers.

The chicken and beef and pork and fish you buy at the grocery store: killed, cleaned, processed by undocumented Hispanic laborers.

Go to a brand new neighborhood under construction and take a look at who is building those new $300,000 homes and $2,000 a month apartment buildings: undocumented Hispanic laborers.

The roads you drive on: built by undocumented Hispanic laborers.

Go to a Chinese restaurant and peek in the kitchen. Do you see any Chinese people making your sweet and sour pork and egg foo young and your special wonton soup???

Nope!! MOST OF THE TIME NOWADAYS, it's a bunch of undocumented Hispanic laborers back there stir frying your Chinese take out.

Go to McDonald's and Wendy's and Whataburger or even your beloved In-n-Out burger and you will see more undocumented Hispanic laborers flipping your burgers than an American African American or Caucasian.

When you call for a maid service, who shows up? Mexican and Latina women.

The car and SUV you buy that's now made in a factory in Mexico? Built by undocumented Hispanic laborers. Well, THAT IS TRUE, ISN'T IT? They are over there building those cars and SUV, they are undocumented over here. Don't split hairs with me.

HELL! Without Mexicans coming here illegally [and sometimes legally], you wouldn't even have any Latina providers and strippers!!

Still don't believe me?

Watch this movie named A Day Without Mexican.

Anyway, back to the subject of Plants, they don't need to be outside in the heat under direct sunlight.

As long as they are at a window that allows them to get sunlight a few hours a day and they get plenty of water every other day (YES, YOU CAN DROWN a plant by watering them too much), allowing them to photosynthesize, they will be perfectly just fine.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Anyway, back to the subject of Plants, they don't need to be outside in the heat under direct sunlight.

As long as they are at a window that allows them to get sunlight a few hours a day and they get plenty of water every other day (YES, YOU CAN DROWN a plant by watering them too much), allowing them to photosynthesize, they will be perfectly just fine. Originally Posted by CG2014
Good grief. Feel better now?

Thanks for the advice. I was all set, in my mind, to suggest that you read the book, "Faith in a Seed" by someone famous (I cannot remember right now) and it's a lovely sentiment about simple pleasures. More to it but words are escaping me right now.

Then, you offered advice about having plants inside. Do you just not like plants or you don't purchase them because you know that they'll die eventually (it's a living thing. The plant is going to die)? I'll still make the recommendation to read the book above. That type of prose is life affirming which at this time and place, is an important space to explore intellectually and physically, if one gets the opportunity .

And although it's pretty obvious you're trolling my post, would like to add that I Do agree with you: pets, children, plants are expensive and often, a waste of funds. (After 7 PM, my ability to write grammatically correct sentences goes out the window. Please forgive me)

But the joy and companionship that a special animal can bring to someone is inexplicable. Know that an animal is often considered useless baggage, but mine are part of my home. My family. Living plants add life to the environment. I find it to be a necessity for mine.

Although I often complain about the cost of upkeep for pets and plants, etc., it's worth the costs to me.

Really do not consider the love of animals (or a fondness for succulents and other plants) a character flaw and it seems that is what you're suggesting.

Anyway, again thanks for the advice.

Try to smile,
rexdutchman's Avatar
wow that derailed , water 2 x a week , feed trees and water water water . You would think Texas would require zero water landscape ( another thread)
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
wow that derailed , water 2 x a week , feed trees and water water water . You would think Texas would require zero water landscape ( another thread) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Topics go sideways at times. True.

The twice a week works nicely for the grass, etc. For my plants, though, I have to water them every morning.

At least a little bit.

Thanks for your thoughts!!!

some of my plants are doing really well, and even blooming, while others, which prefer more shaded environment are suffocating. Choose the native plants and you won't have anything to worry about. Choose plants from other regions and you will have to baby them and add more stress to your life.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-24-2018, 05:40 PM
For those who want to say my ^^^ post is racist, you are all as guilty as I am in supporting illegal immigration and undocumented Hispanic laborers.

We all do it, consciously and unconsciously.

The fruits and vegetables you eat from the grocery store or at a restaurant is picked and packed by undocumented Hispanic laborers.

The chicken and beef and pork and fish you buy at the grocery store: killed, cleaned, processed by undocumented Hispanic laborers.

Go to a brand new neighborhood under construction and take a look at who is building those new $300,000 homes and $2,000 a month apartment buildings: undocumented Hispanic laborers.

The roads you drive on: built by undocumented Hispanic laborers.

Go to a Chinese restaurant and peek in the kitchen. Do you see any Chinese people making your sweet and sour pork and egg foo young and your special wonton soup???

Nope!! MOST OF THE TIME NOWADAYS, it's a bunch of undocumented Hispanic laborers back there stir frying your Chinese take out.

Go to McDonald's and Wendy's and Whataburger or even your beloved In-n-Out burger and you will see more undocumented Hispanic laborers flipping your burgers than an American African American or Caucasian.

When you call for a maid service, who shows up? Mexican and Latina women.

The car and SUV you buy that's now made in a factory in Mexico? Built by undocumented Hispanic laborers. Well, THAT IS TRUE, ISN'T IT? They are over there building those cars and SUV, they are undocumented over here. Don't split hairs with me.

HELL! Without Mexicans coming here illegally [and sometimes legally], you wouldn't even have any Latina providers and strippers!!

Still don't believe me?

Watch this movie named A Day Without Mexican.

Anyway, back to the subject of Plants, they don't need to be outside in the heat under direct sunlight.

As long as they are at a window that allows them to get sunlight a few hours a day and they get plenty of water every other day (YES, YOU CAN DROWN a plant by watering them too much), allowing them to photosynthesize, they will be perfectly just fine. Originally Posted by CG2014
You OK man? Did a Mexican piss on your in n out burger? Or you just get back from a make America great again convention aimed at the uneducated white man?

My last gardener was a white guy and heard about this slogan way before it spread like wild fire in the media, poor fool regrets voting for the main fool. I recently found a better deal with some Latinos brothers so I fired the little fool. America is great 👍