Crystal looking for fun, info?

I got someone to respond last night, but it still feels sketchy. She says she is new at this and it is why she doesn’t have history to search. The photos I checked on tineye come back clean, but they are all taken in the same bathroom like it is an old girlfriend’s instragram account someplace.

Also, the number written in the ad is a different one than hidden by the call me button which seems suspicious to me.

I never did get an answer to the donation amount question.

Has anyone seen her?
Nope, but if you do please update.
I have seen her. She is legit, but Staff edit - UC
I need a second meeting to give a fair assessment of the service. Actually I remember her having exceptional oral skills.
She says she has reviews. Does anyone know.
I asked her where the review she mentions in her ad was located the other day and she hasn’t responded to the question.