Born in Texas. Raised in Texas. Graduated from the University of Texas. But....

ThrillBill88's Avatar
I'm embarrased as hell by Rick Perry. Did we really elect him govenor of Texas 3 TIMES? WTF!
nuglet's Avatar
Can I get an "AMEN!!!!!!!"
Last night on the news they were asking the public question "should Rick Perry drop out of the presidential race?" My thought was FUCK NO... THEN HE'LL BE BACK IN TEXAS. At least keep him on the road for 6-7 months!
I thought he has looked like shit. It's pretty embarrassing. He makes Bush looked good.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In recent years in the state of Texas, a Democrat, in a state-wide election, has about a 0% chance of winning. So someone legitimate would have to challenge Perry on the Republican ticket. And it rarely happens that an incumbant loses his own party's backing.
  • Booth
  • 01-13-2012, 10:23 AM
Would anyone here dare to post that he is NOT an embarrassment? I dare you. I know you're out there.
Slotgoop's Avatar
I seriously think he must have started taking meds like anti-depressants or similar right after the campaign started.
  • Booth
  • 01-13-2012, 12:45 PM
I seriously think he must have started taking meds like anti-depressants or similar right after the campaign started. Originally Posted by Slotgoop
Sounds like you'd prefer to speculate on a medical condition before you'd admit he's exactly the person he's always been.
he's exactly the person he's always been. Originally Posted by Booth
That is just it. Amazing that anyone is surprised.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Born in Texas. Raised in Texas. Graduated from the University of Texas. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
Rick Perry graduated from Texas A&M in 1972. He was a member of the Corps and a Cheerleader.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I'm willing to bet our next Governor will be a Republican....

I am embarrassed that the masses actually think there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans.....

If you are a uninformed voter you should not vote at all....
If you are a uninformed voter you should not vote at all.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Where in the U.S. Constitution does it mandate a potential voter to first pass a competency test, prepared by Wylde, prior to casting a ballot? If I am not mistaken, you have proudly labeled yourself as a so called "conservative." I thought a true "conservative" was in favor of less government, not more. That being the case, how does a competency test for all voters qualify as less government? Huh?????

I can't wait to hear your response!

It appears to me that the Constitution is the only document standing in the way of Wylde becoming disqualified from voting for being grossly "uninformed!"
pyramider's Avatar
The window lickers on the short bus always have a place to vote.
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Would anyone here dare to post that he is NOT an embarrassment? I dare you. I know you're out there. Originally Posted by Booth
I'm extremely proud of our govenor Rick Perry and think he's the greatest governor that the state of Texas has ever known and he will do the same as President.......and he's a great fuck in bed.............Anita Perry
WyldemanATX's Avatar
That is funny shit.... I never said they should issue a competency test....Just as a self service omit themselves from voting if they do not even know who the candidate is....
That is funny shit.... I never said they should issue a competency test....Just as a self service omit themselves from voting if they do not even know who the candidate is.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Step right up! The omit line starts behind Wylde, the Master of Incompetence.