GneissGuy's Avatar
We all need to be sure and protest SOPA and PIPA.

I contacted all my CongressSlime, errr... Congressmen today and wrote them a short, brief note about stopping SOPA and PIPA. I made the point that the bills should be killed even if they are modified.

These bills are truly evil. If they pass, they increase the ability of some jackass in the government to simply pull the plug on sites like our. Without trial, without a hearing. Even if the site is located overseas.

These bills are true Gestapo style censorship. With the extra element of sleaze of the RIAA and MPAA and other corporate scum.

Contact your CongressSlime today or kiss another big chunk of your online freedom away.

By the way, I understand that actual paper letters are a bad idea today. Our CongressSlime has used the anthrax attacks as an excuse to delay or ignore paper correspondence and they pretty much only pay attention to contact through their web page (no e-mail) or perhaps telephone. (To the small degree they pay attention to anything other than bribes.) I read somewhere that physical mail to congress goes through a slow process to examine and decontaminate letters.
I PISSES me off that that slime ball Lamar Smith is my Representative and behind this bullshit. Every time he comes up for reelection I vote for the other guy/gal. Don't care if they other option is a stapler, piņata or a dog... i'm sure they would do a better job than this slime. Besides it'd be kinda hard to bribe/pay off a stapler
Yep. Good thing is that the top websites are fighting it and Obama is against it so he says, but he needs Facebook to be on his side for his re-election. He gets re-elected he might change his mind.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yup fuck that shit....I am all for the artist getting paid...But this is just another power grab by the government.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Yup fuck that shit....I am all for the artist getting paid...But this is just another power grab by the government. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
The pirates will figure out a way around it. They always have before. However, those who want to stifle free expression, sites like ECCIE, people who tell you how to fix the problem with your car yourself instead of going to the dealer, etc. will be able to get sites shut down.
guest031812's Avatar

I think this is a shame, I cannot wrap my head around it. How can they just pick and choose what we can view on the internet. Do you know how much information they would take away from us if they do this? The government just might as well lock us all up and make us work like slaves.....
We might as well throw out the constitution and proclaim Obama supreme leader and
have Obama have dinner with all the world's dictators.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
What people need to wake up and realizes is both parties are in this shit together. POWER hungry.....

When you have enough money that you can buy or do whatever you want what is left for you to go after???? POWER