
I really should go to sleep considering my profession, and no not this one, requires extreme focus, attention to detail, and responsibility for others. 5:30am comes way too early :/ I have paced, tried to read, taken a hot shower, drank some warm milk...gross!! What do you guys do when you get bouts of insomnia? I can not function on lack of sleep. is how I feel right now!
knotty man's Avatar
thats why i thank God, i have balls to fondle!
2 benedryl
DTorrchia's Avatar
Two shots of Chivas Regal (18 year) did the trick for me last night!
thats why i thank God, i have balls to fondle! Originally Posted by knotty man
Fondling your man parts lulls you to sleep?

2 Benedryl and masturbation! This is beginning to sound like a pretty good prescription actually!! Where is the Facebook like button when you need it?

Okay, off to implement this prescription combo!
As far as drug options, Benedryl will definitely work - for people that do not have a tolerance because they already take them regularly for allergies. If you have a tolerance for benedryl you can try Sominex - but look at the boxes because they make a couple of kinds, one is just benedryl. You want the stuff that contains "Doxylamine succinate".

That's about it unless you move up to scripts of Ambien or benzos.

Personally if I really can't sleep I like to go the other way and get all jacked up on something and just stay up.

As far as non chemical strategies, if you cannot fall asleep within a reasonable period of time DON"T stay in bed. Either do something or move to a comfortable chair until you feel like you might want to try the bed again.
I really should go to sleep considering my profession, and no not this one, requires extreme focus, attention to detail, and responsibility for others. 5:30am comes way too early :/ I have paced, tried to read, taken a hot shower, drank some warm milk...gross!! What do you guys do when you get bouts of insomnia? I can not function on lack of sleep. is how I feel right now! Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi

I've had it for years. Unfortunately it led to an addiction to Ambien and other harmful, addictive drugs. I think a good natural solution is chamomile tea, really wind down with a nice, relaxing bath with candlelights, and I also use a diffuser that has lavender in it, which has been scientifically proven to be a relaxer. Another natural remedy is to take a capsule of this stuff called valerian root, which is related to the catnip plant .

You have to really wind down and chill, relax your mind, meditate, take deep breaths.

On the occasion when none of that works, I just stay up. It's better than tossing and turning and getting little sleep. I stay up and go to the gym around 5am and just work out and then that following night I am DEAD.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
I usually take 2 melatonins .. it works for me and its a vitamin ..
i do have to agree have a good O whether u do it urself or with a friend and then finish up with a hot bath dim light , and facial mask guys dont be pervs bc i said but as u can tell i have not followed my own advice .. i had a FRIEND/Client leave at 515am and im still up.. which suxs but if i take the melatonin im likely to sleep my day away .. well hope u had better luck than me tonight ..

sweet lexxxi dd's
Secret Encounters's Avatar
btw Ms Rossi i luv ur avatar!!
Well thank you Sweet LexxxI,

I finally did get some sleep! I have some Ambien stashed away for emergency, but it takes forever to kick in, then I feel all weird the next day. I just don't even bother with it. I have never tried Valerian root. I have to be really careful of what I take due to another medication. You reminded me of that lavender vanilla spray they have at bath and body works. That is pretty good stuff for relaxing. Amazing what a little aroma therapy will do. I think I have tried the tea and melatonin. Neither of them worked for me I think I worked out too late. Definitely better to do it in the morning. You guys at least gave me some giggles last night... thanks for the entertainment
Valarien Root works good but is the nastiest smelling stuff. Worse than the foulest feces!
nuglet's Avatar
Xanex works well.
Phat3lvis's Avatar
I can relate and have spent some time on the sleep issue. It seems the older I get the less I get.

Here are some simple rules that help me:
Exercise before 5pm helps.
No caffeine after 2pm.
Spicy food for dinner to a minimum.
No alcohol before bed.
No action movies before bed.
Ambien works great but only for a few months then it takes more and more . When you quit taking it, the next 3 nights are HELL, so it’s a no go.
Xanex is a big no no, dont go there.
420 works really well, but I cant do that every night.
Bedroom has black out curtains and my own window AC.
I don't sleep hardly at all during a full moon.

For bedtime I have a ritual that seems to help induce sleep. If I do the same thing every night then 8 out of 10 times I get great sleep. The act of just doing the same thing to get ready, seems to make me sleepy too and puts me in the right mindset.

1- Eat dinner before 6pm.
2- Start the going to bed process at 8pm and intentionally stop thinking about things, just focus on breathing and doing the bedtime ritual.
3- Make the bed and pull the covers back just right, there is something about a bed that is ready to climb into that is very relaxing and inviting.
4- Lights in bedroom are on dimmer, lights dimmed down low. Bright light will actually increase alertness is counterproductive to going to sleep.
5- Ice water in thermos on night stand.
6- Lock all doors and start turning lights off.
8- Turn on A/C in bedroom and start cooling it off, or in the winter I crack a window open.
9- Take shower, lights in bathroom on dimmer too.
10- Shower should be warm, but not hot. Being cool actually makes you sleepy. Some nights in the summer I take cold/cool showers to cool off before bed.
11- Brush and floss teeth, then put on pajamas.
12- By this time, as I walk into the dimly lit cool bedroom with my pajamas on, with the covers pulled back, it starts to hit me and craw into bed and turn the lights off. Some nights I don’t even remember turning the lights off.
13- Asleep by 9pm. So I start the sleep ritual a full hour (or more) before I crawl into bed.

This is my ritual, everyone has a different ritual whether they realize it or not. If you can hone in on what actions make you sleepy and which ones wake you up, then you can consciously make your own sleep ritual to focus what works for you. It’s a bit of self-discovery. For instance I know people who drink a cup of coffee after dinner or before bed, and it that works just fine for them; that would keep me up all night. What works for one person may not work for others. Try not to think about anything and focus on your breathing and your body for the next few nights and identify which action are keeping you up and which ones are relaxing.