
pickupkid's Avatar
Do you tip providers? How much do you tip a provider...15%?
I developed the habit of tipping early on in my career. It always seems to be the right thing to do. While most gentlemen have differing opinions on it (yeah, yeah, we know you don't tip your lawyer...!) I find that every lady appreciates it and nearly all go beyond the call of duty to earn it.

The occasional few I've found who did not experience a tip from me, and this was many years ago, was the lady who ordered a pizza and left the session to receive delivery at the front door, the lady who took a phone call during the session (and yes, I really mean DURING), and the lady who spent a large majority of the time talking about her grandkids. Some things just make you want to shiver, not tip.
gimme_that's Avatar
I won't tip on the first date, and usually never or ever. Mainly because I'm mostly booking multihour sessions and don't feel the need too. Ill buy drinks of her choice, prebook far in advance and keep my booked date, take her out to eat, and provide other nightly comforts via massages and stuff, write a review if I choose,...but I never tip. If a provider feels that that makes me cheap she should increase her rates to supplement for her worth in her mind. Besides I went out of my way to risk a first time overnight with her off of the strrength of her rep. The only way I would tip a lady is if her service went above and beyond what was expected or offered.......And since that only occurs rarely for me lady to lady my tip would be return service. Because any lady who goes above and beyond for me performance wise will definitely get a callback anyway. But shouldn't she be performing to that level of service anyway? If anything after the session I should feel implored to tip her if she's damn good. But certainly not before and never on the first session. No matter her rep its all ymmv until she's finished with me.

I think the main reason I don't tip is to keep things in perspective, especially when the pleasure of the received activity starts only from business. It feels too "tricky" to me. When I go out to eat, catch a cab in an unknown city, valet park, or get some of the other "cutty" (haircut) it costs far less to tip then. A barber is very hard to find though......you ladies are very plentiful and very competetive.

I wonder what ladies consider a reasonable monetary tip is based on their hourly rate. If your hourly rate is 250 for instance, how much of a tip is considered good and what is a cheap tip in your eyes?
throbin's Avatar
Providers do you always expect a tip if everything goes well? And gentlemen do you give a tip or not? I have not been doing this long but I would say about 9 of the 11 girls I have seen I have either left a gift card or extra $$.
My experiences are that I expect to deliver the sevices that I promised and the donation that is require to fullfil the agreement upon. The tips or the extra gifts that the gentlemen brought to me either to be the extra funds, parfume, gift card, etc are the unexpected but it is a great surprise and truly appreciated.
It does shows the gentlemen generousity and the appreciation toward the provider (s)
I wonder what ladies consider a reasonable monetary tip is based on their hourly rate. If your hourly rate is 250 for instance, how much of a tip is considered good and what is a cheap tip in your eyes? Originally Posted by gimme_that
Anything above whatever said package is booked is considered an appropriate tip to me. I set my rates at what I am comfortable making at a minimum. The average person doesn't make $300 an hour, so I'm happy enough that I can pull off commanding the rates I've set without expecting more. So, although they are greatly appreciated if received, they are not expected, and I DEFINITELY don't look down on a gentleman if he doesn't decide to tip me.
txgntlmen's Avatar
I have tipped or not. Just depends on how the session goes. Personally, I prefer offering gifts. As many of my sessions have been multi-hour like gimme that the wining and dining out in my book is just like a tip?
DallasRain's Avatar
In my case,tips are never expected..but ARE appreciated!
I especially like gifts tailored from my web page gift list

BUT the best tip is to have you "come back for more"....lol
LaStang's Avatar
repeat is a great tip , with all the ladies in dallas one could go years with seeing the same lady twice so going back for more shows you appreciate her
jaydalee's Avatar
I never expect a tip but I really appreciate it when I do receive one.
But,I agree with you the best tip is a return visit.
Just my .02
Tips are always appreciated in any work place that people could work in.
Not everyone can after the initial donation which is something that you just have to understand sometimes
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Having a man leave with a goofy smille on his face saying WOW! Is the BEST tip I could every get.Yes, when a gentleman takes the effort to give a gift, it does make me go all soft and warm.........But I do agree having a gentleman return time and time again is the BEST gift a provider can have. Have fun! YUM!!
Tips?? Ha! A gentlemen, (and I was already giving a half off special, wanted to take advantage of 2 hours at the half price...200 roses for two hours vs standard 400 is a helllll of a deal) - had the nerve to cancel because I inquired for a tip, - funny because he easily dropped 1000 for an overnight with a provider not too long ago. Tips seem non-existent - and I run across some great hobbyists. Gifts are also appreciated.
I'm with lovelyelle on this one. Tips or gifts are nice, but I would never think less of a client that didn't. And the ones that do don't get any benefit, except gratitude. I would rather a return visit than a tip.
gimme_that's Avatar
I won't tip on the first date, and usually never or ever. Mainly because I'm mostly booking multihour sessions and don't feel the need too. Ill buy drinks of her choice, prebook far in advance and keep my booked date, take her out to eat, and provide other nightly comforts via massages and stuff, write a review if I choose,...but I never tip. I consider those comforts to be gratuity though, not an expected gesture but they are nice additiives.

Tips?? Ha! A gentlemen, (and I was already giving a half off special, wanted to take advantage of 2 hours at the half price...200 roses for two hours vs standard 400 is a helllll of a deal) - had the nerve to cancel because I inquired for a tip, - funny because he easily dropped 1000 for an overnight with a provider not too long ago. Tips seem non-existent....... Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I would have cancelled too Eva. More so due to the fact that you set you rate at a lower level to gain his interest and diivert monetary attention and set yourself apart from other ladies rate wise to signify temporary value in seeing you....line for line in your ad. You personally felt you wasn't being paid sufficiently to accommodate your self imposed special. If it was me I'm figuing if shes making it known beforehand there's a catch (bait and switch) and it willl translate into a less than stellar session due to your lack of motivation for the donation.......which you of course set. If your Egg mcMUFFin at mcdonalds was on sale for a 25 cents, when its normallly 1.29, don't tell me that you would prefer that I donate what I would pay to your MCDonald house charities since Im paying less for it temporariily. Nah.... I'm milking it for all its worth in your time of need. "*uck dem kids, I want my biscuit."

If a provider feels that that makes me cheap she should increase her rates to supplement for her worth in her mind. Besides I went out of my way to risk a first time overnight with her off of the strrength of her rep. The only way I would tip a lady is if her service went above and beyond what was expected or offered.......And since that only occurs rarely for me lady to lady my tip would be return service. Because any lady who goes above and beyond for me performance wise will definitely get a callback anyway. But shouldn't she be performing to that level of service anyway? If anything after the session I should feel implored to tip her if she's damn good. But certainly not before and never on the first session. No matter her rep its all ymmv until she's finished with me.

I think the main reason I don't tip is to keep things in perspective, especially when the pleasure of the received activity starts only from business. It feels too "tricky" to me. When I go out to eat, catch a cab in an unknown city, valet park, or get some of the other "cutty" (haircut) it costs far less to tip then. A barber is very hard to find though......you ladies are very plentiful and very competetive.

I wonder what ladies consider a reasonable monetary tip is based on their hourly rate. If your hourly rate is 250 for instance, how much of a tip is considered good and what is a cheap tip in your eyes?