The Case For Pics In a review

Not wanting to hijack the lovely Kaylee thread. I think ladies might want to consider allowing pics to be posted in reviews. Speaking for myself, I am visual and to me it makes the review a better read. Its a reason why Vogue, GQ and what not are splattered with pics to accompany words. I recognize not all women are comfortable but here is my approach and something to consider.

I want to first thank the ladies who have allowed my lens to capture them to be placed in reviews.

First I ask in advance if it is ok or if they would consider it. I usually refer the provider to , so she can have a better idea of what poses I am looking for. It is ultimately the provider decision. Secondly whatever pics is taken I prefer that we both have mutual agreement on the final cuts. Anything not used is immediately deleted. Ultimately she has the final say on what will be used but I do try to advocate in a positive way for each pic selected. Thirdly this is where trust comes into play. I give two options. Download the pics from my SD card to their laptop so it stays in their possession and just send it to me via email. My SD card is deleted as proof. Alternativly she can trust me to post the pics we take and use it strictly for what it is intended for. Either way no pressure. I myself prefer no face pics but if the provider wants her face in it ok

One provider i approached said she would consider it but it has to be with her camera. Although I like my camera, I would have been game for it

Ladies I am only making a case for pics. Look at the reviews and view counts for those who post pics. Now as for the taste factor, if your using my template as you can see it is on you to determine. I get the opposing view however if your willing to post pics on your website and showcase then why not consider another avenue.

I am only speaking for myself One more disclaimer if you say no pics that is fine too.

Kaylee what say you ?
Dannie you know i disagree with your Assertion but this is why we can respectfully disagree and I can think of ways to hash out our disagreement if any hard feelings
I'd rather fuck than take pictures.

At least that is why I see providers, maybe i'm weird.
Huh? In Kaylee's thread, I was referring to graphic, close-up pictures of your junk all up inside whatever provider you are with. Action shots, if you will. I find those pics distasteful. Regarding the types of photos you are talking about, I think if the provider is allowing it, has full knowledge of what pics you are posting, and she is fine with it, great.

Huge difference between artistic nudes and what Kaylee was discussing, which is what I was responding to.

So it looks like we agree. But I would be happy to argue with you for the hell of it, just to hash out our disagreement later . Gotta leave the camera at home though or at least agree to not take pics of my face or tattoo.
Boltfan's Avatar
Can I take a picture of your taint?
Can I take a picture of your taint? Originally Posted by Boltfan
As long as its not of her taintoo
Iaintliein's Avatar
I'd rather fuck than take pictures.

At least that is why I see providers, maybe i'm weird. Originally Posted by monkmonk
Not weird, just fortunate. Neither my libido nor my access to hobby funds are what they were a few years ago. A hobby is just that, some hunt or fish or play golf, I do photography when I can (maybe I'm the weird one).

This sort of situation, along with no desire to hurt the business of pro photographers is why I've always approached the ladies I'm interested in shooting via PM rather than open forum. I've got no interest in taking, or even seeing for that matter, pornographic photos. While I will photograph ladies here whom I consider friends without showing their faces, the face is typically the most important part of what I want to photograph.

As for leaving the proofs with the lady, while I've done it, I've also regretted it, sometimes a shot I've done with unbalanced color or in need of a little dodging and burning makes it's way onto the forum. Once a shot showing the identifiable corner of a photo hanging on my living room wall was posted (still in a showcase actually). So, I always prefer to do the post processing, put them into a password protected album, and wait for the lady to give me permission to post them. But to each his own.

If anyone's interested, here is a collection of my favorites that ladies have granted me permission to display when appropriate. This gives the best idea of what I like to take and to see from others. (Note, Lindsey's avatar shot as well as her by the mission, and Kayla's old avatar shot were taken by others, photoshopped by me).

The password is: Public

Regards, and happy snapping!
Can I take a picture of your taint? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Check your PM's

As long as its not of her taintoo Originally Posted by TheBizz
When I get up and running I will not be allowing pictures of any sorts in a review or to be taken at all. I cannot trust anyone that will put me in danger or ruin my rep!

I will provide enough pictures for you to make a decision to come see me or not! The memory of our visit will have to do after that!
chipper's Avatar
I love pictures of our pretty Ladies and I don't mind them in the reviews. However, any Lady foolish enough to allow a hobbiest to take a picture of her should not ever be surprised when it shows up someplace. You should know that eventually he will have to let someone know and show it to them.

If you don't want it shared don't let it be taken.
When I get up and running I will not be allowing pictures of any sorts in a review or to be taken at all. I cannot trust anyone that will put me in danger or ruin my rep! I will provide enough pictures for you to make a decision to come see me or not! The memory of our visit will have to do after that! Originally Posted by TaylorTyler
Hence my first option where you keep the pics and just send it to me. It stays in your control.

I love pictures of our pretty Ladies and I don't mind them in the reviews. However, any Lady foolish enough to allow a hobbiest to take a picture of her should not ever be surprised when it shows up someplace. You should know that eventually he will have to let someone know and show it to them.

If you don't want it shared don't let it be taken. Originally Posted by chipper
I agree to a certain extent. If a lady is proud and happy with whatever pics she decides she likes then it would not matter who sees it. However if you call posting the pics in a review as someplace then I am guilty

Another issue that I thought should be addressed is buyers remorse. Lets say me and Dannie agree with the shots taken and it's to her liking. I review her and post pics. Then some of her Wk's start to cry foul or it is causing her grief. I will happily remove the pics although the mods can do it as we have seen
Iaintliein, that shot of Pleasure09 has always been striking and a bit haunting. Good job.

I've helped a few providers with pix for showcases. It's fun and a challenge to figure out the best way to emphasize the strong points of bodies while masking the weak ones. Of course, you have to have a serious trust level between the two of you for a camera even to be brought into the room.

As far as review pics from a session, I think I'd rather keep my photography and my sessions separate.
Wow. I like to think that my time with a gentleman is a private and personal deal. I mean, everyone is different and we all like different things, etc, etc.

What might be incredibly hot usually NEVER gets a fair showing from a photo in my own experience.

I won't say that I have never taken photos but it has never been with someone I didn't know well and trust. Fortunately I haven't been betrayed and hope I never am but who knows.

Of course, I don't really care for reviews that much either. Like I said, I like having "private time". When it's posted all over the place, it just doesn't sound as "special" as it was.

Maybe I am just funny that way but I stay busy busy as I WANT to be so I must be doing SOME things right!

I'll let it be known now that I NEVER want photos of my sessions!
Thatdude-Not trying to rain on your parade because I am a big believer in to each his own. But one of the things I enjoy about this hobby is the anticipation of seeing the provider BCD. When I look at a provider's showcase I get a little knowledge of her looks. That is what the showcase is for. Pictures in a review leave nothing to the imagination. Also, what a provider looks like is just a part of the full package. For me the service is much more important than what pictures may or may not lead you to believe. Have been with providers who's pics were great but BCD was just average. I also agree with Taylor and Vnurse on alot of their points. I like the idea of having the session I had with the provider etched in my memory and wanting to go back to see that provider again. But again, to each his own. That's just me.
..........But one of the things I enjoy about this hobby is the anticipation of seeing the provider BCD. When I look at a provider's showcase I get a little knowledge of her looks. That is what the showcase is for. Pictures in a review leave nothing to the imagination. Also, what a provider looks like is just a part of the full package. For me the service is much more important than what pictures may or may not lead you to believe. Have been with providers who's pics were great but BCD was just average. I also agree with Taylor and Vnurse on alot of their points. I like the idea of having the session I had with the provider etched in my memory and wanting to go back to see that provider again. But again, to each his own. That's just me. Originally Posted by Spencer13

Could not agree with you more about the service, although you do not REALLY know about that "service" unless you have seen her BCD before, as reviews give you a good idea of what to possibly expect, but everyone is different, including their point of view. As far as pics in the showcase go, alot of them are photo shopped, they have a "considerable" amount of makeup on in many cases, and some pics are not recent. Do you want an "imagination" or a "real" experience? I think that a pic or two taken before a session , with the provider's ok, is fine to do. I think "BCD action shots" are not really cool, but can be entertaining, I personally would rather be do the BCD activity than taking a pic of it.
Could not agree with you more about the service, although you do not REALLY know about that "service" unless you have seen her BCD before, as reviews give you a good idea of what to possibly expect, but everyone is different, including their point of view. As far as pics in the showcase go, alot of them are photo shopped, they have a "considerable" amount of makeup on in many cases, and some pics are not recent. Do you want an "imagination" or a "real" experience? I think that a pic or two taken before a session , with the provider's ok, is fine to do. I think "BCD action shots" are not really cool, but can be entertaining, I personally would rather be do the BCD activity than taking a pic of it. Originally Posted by bigdog0311

Bigdog, your point is well taken. However, let me clarify what I meant by service means more to me than pics. When I read a review, what is said about the service influences me more than any picture would. And your right BCD pictures are not really cool. And like you I would rather be doing the activity than taking pictures of it. LOL