Interesting ploy

I B Hankering's Avatar
How do you say you have no more troops in Afghanistan; you make them spies.

AP Sources: CIA-led force may speed Afghan exit
KIMBERLY DOZIER, AP Intelligence Writer

. . . .If the plan were adopted, the U.S. and Afghanistan could say there are no more U.S. troops on the ground in the war-torn country because once the SEALs, Rangers and other elite units are assigned to CIA control, even temporarily, they become spies. . . .

. . . . Pentagon spokesman George Little denied the idea is being discussed. . .

Reducing the U.S. presence faster would be a political boon for the White House and the Afghan government . . . .

But a CIA-run war would mean that the U.S. public would not be informed about funding or operations, as they are in a traditional war. Oversight would fall to the White House, top intelligence officials, and a few congressional committees. Embedding journalists would be out of the question. . . .

The notion of longer-term assignments to the CIA does not sit well with some senior special operations commanders, who want their units to remain autonomous in order to keep their troops under Defense Department legal parameters. If CIA-assigned troops are captured, for example, they are treated like spies, not protected by the Geneva Conventions, which govern the treatment of prisoners of war. . . .
Yowzer's Avatar
I certainly hope the CIA is helping in any way possible, the people in Syria getting their homes shelled and bombed in places like Homes.

I'm also sure that the anti Gaddafi forces had CIA "advisors". Noticed some very burly Anglo fighters stepping out of camera view during TV reports of the revolution.

Smaller, highly trained forces would do better in Afghanistan than some big army. Ask the Soviets or the British before them how easy it was with traditional armies trying to control that country. With any mountainous country, making progress is very difficult. The allied landing in Italy started some time before D-day in France. We got to Berlin faster from France than the getting to the Alps from the smaller country of Italy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have an idea. Why don't we leave them alone, and focus on domestic issues?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-05-2012, 05:37 PM
I have an idea. Why don't we leave them alone, and focus on domestic issues? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yea like making the current residents of the White House, find a new place to live come november.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Works for me. I just hope Romney doesn't move in.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Troops acting as spies have no protection under the Geneva Convention, but being able to say the U.S. has no troops in Afghanistan will look good on somebody's political resume.
Im highly amused at the concern about the Geneva convention, do you know what Afghans do to prisoners?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Im highly amused at the concern about the Geneva convention, do you know what Afghans do to prisoners? Originally Posted by Grifter
An interesting, though not 'amusing', point. SGT Bowe Robert Bergdahl is still alive.