safty first

hello ladies and gentlemen of Ecc, I am sexy Cheyenne a traveling provider. I have a quick question that's troubling me. how do I convey my services I provide to a potential client without jeopardizing my freedom? If anybody could help me out with a awnser to that I would be much appreciative...
ShysterJon's Avatar
Hello, Cheyenne. I see you're a new member, so welcome.

I wouldn't suggest that any provider ever openly discuss particular sex acts, especially when talking about money. For example, a common LE tactic is to call a girl and ask her how much an hour of her time would cost. Once she answers, the cop asks, "How much more for Greek?" If the girl gives a dollar figure, the cop may repeat the conversation in person and arrest the girl. Quoting a dollar figure for a particular sex act is clearly a quid pro quo - "this for that" - and would constitute the offense of prostitution under Texas state law, and probably the laws of many or most other states.

A prudent provider has reviews that spell out her activities and the cost for her time. If she does, she can tell a new client to refer to the reviews if he has questions.

I understand it may be hard for a new provider to get reviews. One option would be to get help from an established provider. Girls who've been here awhile probably wouldn't mind referring you to clients, if you're pretty and nice. Also, develop a reliable screening system. Be patient, not greedy. Don't take chances to pay particular bills. And when someone you don't know asks questions about particular sex acts, don't answer or at least keep your answers vague.

For example, if your menu includes BBBJ, MPCFS, DATY, and LK, you may say, "I'm GFE, but with light kissing." Saying that conveys your services to a seasoned hobbyist, but probably doesn't constitute an offer, which means the comment probably wouldn't expose you to criminal liability. My sentence is just one example. Talk to other girls for more useful language.
MsKitty's Avatar
Just a tip from another provider...if anyone attempts to talk to me about sex and/or money, the conversation is over. This goes for whether they are verified or not.