To all the married men that hobby

okay so i have been pondering this issue for along time, and me being the constructive writter i am i am finally putting it out there. ive noticed with all the clients that ive seen (whom are married) that they tell me all the time, "oh i love my wife" but yet they choose to hobby. Now im not looking down on it, because if i can help a marriage stay together by the time that i spend with that person then cool. But on the other hand it worries me. how do i know that if i choose to get married one day my husband isnt going to go out and do that same thing. Now personally i think i will not have that issue because im a very open person and if my husband was attracted to another women and he wanted to sleep with her id be like ok lets have a three sum.. i will never fail to keep the relationship interesting to where he would want to stray. but then there are just those guys who want to go out regardless and do it yeah thats my concern and any feed back would be great. i know this is a kinda controversial topic but thats what makes eccie fun
JohnMacnab's Avatar
okay so i have been pondering this issue for along time, and me being the constructive writter i am i am finally putting it out there. ive noticed with all the clients that ive seen (whom are married) that they tell me all the time, "oh i love my wife" but yet they choose to hobby. Now im not looking down on it, because if i can help a marriage stay together by the time that i spend with that person then cool. But on the other hand it worries me. how do i know that if i choose to get married one day my husband isnt going to go out and do that same thing. Now personally i think i will not have that issue because im a very open person and if my husband was attracted to another women and he wanted to sleep with her id be like ok lets have a three sum.. i will never fail to keep the relationship interesting to where he would want to stray. but then there are just those guys who want to go out regardless and do it yeah thats my concern and any feed back would be great. i know this is a kinda controversial topic but thats what makes eccie fun Originally Posted by Harmony<3

I wonder how many women have said that or thought that before they got married? Nearly every single male friend I have or have ever had that was married more than ten years has the same complaint about their wife. No more BJs, wife has no real interest in sex, when they do get sex five or six times a year the wife acts like she is doing the husband a favor.

Before marriage women have sex with their boyfriend because they like the sex and because they know it makes the boyfriend happy. The whole story changes after a few years of marriage. They no longer want to have sex, sex is not fun for them, and they don't care if their husband is happy or not. Just my experience from my own marriages and from what I have been told by 95% of my married friends.

Also well over 75% of the wives of my married friends are obese.

That's why married men hobby.
ooxo_oxoo's Avatar
+1 with JohnMacnab
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 06-14-2011, 11:28 PM
i will never fail to keep the relationship interesting to where he would want to stray. Originally Posted by Harmony<3
I just gotta ask how old are you? I saw in your showcase and it said your 22. you don't have the life experience to make these judgments that you're making. Get married and stay in that marriage for 10+ years with kids and then you will have some perspective. Hell I'm a committed bachelor with no kids and even I know that. But then again I'm not 22
Im not judging anyone im plainely stating an observation. Im not really asking why u guys hobby but its when men say they love their wives but yet they can hobby? But still love their wives, isnt that kinda polar opposites?
I know family life , having kids and all the stresses that comes along with a marriage wears dwn the sex life but tht would make me all the more to want my husband to stay interested in me, sex is important in a marriage, i most deffinetly realize that so i just hope my future husband doesnt feel the need to hobby. Women do let themselves go which is unfortunate i will never have tht issue cuz my desire to stay sexy n fit is impeccable, kids or no kids my ass works out atleast 3 times a week for 3hrs at a time :-)
I dnt want to be anotherr statistic i want to always make my loved one haappy
Pica Flor's Avatar
Hmmm I'll be simplistic about it.
I am in my late 40s, my SO is in her 50s, most providers I see are in her early 20s and I seek variety. Why I hobby? because I like to live my fantasies. Get the picture?

I dnt want to be anotherr statistic i want to always make my loved one haappy Originally Posted by Harmony<3
It is not about making him happy, it is about keeping him interested, and giving him good sex may not be enough, "good" sex with the same woman over and over eventually becomes ordinary sex, sorry to be straight forward about it, it is just my opinion. And it probably works the same both ways.
LexusLover's Avatar
Penguins are the only species that are truly monogamous, of which I am aware.
LexusLover's Avatar
... ive noticed with all the clients that ive seen (whom are married) that they tell me all the time, ... Originally Posted by Harmony<3
.... and that would be how many?
The mind of a 22 year old. I remember how good it felt to be young and _ _ _ _. Harmony, every guy I know has cheated on or is currently cheating on his wife.
LexusLover's Avatar
The mind of a 22 year old. Originally Posted by tits&toes
T&T, apparently she believes that the "oldest profession" known to MANkind serves guys who cannot find anyone else that will "service" them.....or ...

this is just another "threadAD" to drum up more than one review.
Searoper's Avatar
well, when you haven't been laid at home in years, and before that it was every other month, a quick mish and a push off "you done yet?" no BJs for years before that. And didnt want DATY ... but you have kids so you stick around for that... a guy has to get relief somewhere especially when we have a little something to offer, my ATF is reaping the benifits
JohnMacnab and Mant says it very well!
datyking's Avatar
to answer your questions. Men are better abled to separate sex from love. Women have a much more difficult time at it. Women look at sex as truly emotional.