Is this an addiction?

txAustin202's Avatar
Or is this the norm? At least 1 session a week for 4 straight months. Roughly 1.5K spent each month. Been thinking that I need to stop. Or at least cut back. I think I need to stay off this site in order to resist temptation. lol
sixxbach's Avatar
Ah, I don't think so.

If you can afford it why not? I guess maybe it could be an issue if you prefer to fuck a provider as opposed to a civie. If you bypass civie opportunities, etc I think then that could be an addiction.....

I am willing to bet your Pm's might be lighting up though lol

but what the fuck do I know?

txAustin202's Avatar
I do have a good deal of disposable income but that doesn't mean that I want to spend that much on the hobby. Especially with the "disappointments" that I talked about in my other thread. When I think about the amount that I've spent, it makes me kinda nauseous. I think to myself "damn I could have bought this and that with that money". Sometimes I feel like I schedule to keep the streak going. lol BTW I have more scheduled for this upcoming week. Damn!!! I think I have a problem.
Whispers's Avatar
Or is this the norm? At least 1 session a week for 4 straight months. Roughly 1.5K spent each month. Been thinking that I need to stop. Or at least cut back. I think I need to stay off this site in order to resist temptation. lol Originally Posted by txAustin202
And no Reviews?

I'm thinking you need to make some contributions to the site sir.

gaining premium access as well as networking with like minded guys that will find you through reviews will help you save money.

$1500 in the current market ought to be getting you a minimum of 2-3 hours play a week...
Some of us see double that in this economy

If not you really need to invest in what this site is hear for.
sixxbach's Avatar
Yeah, I wish I had that problem but I understand. Just because you can afford to pay 20 bucks for a big mac doesn't mean you should.

LOL I am comparing ugly providers to cheeseburgers

txAustin202's Avatar
I knew somebody would say something about the no reviews. :-) I would just pay for it if I wanted premium access. Also having premium access might be a bad thing since I think I need to stay away. lol

On the review front, I only see established ladies with more than enough reviews. Well there were a few exceptions but they still had a few reviews. Just never been the type to kiss and tell. Plus I have a SO so the fewer breadcrumbs the better. This thread is pretty incriminating though.

And no Reviews?

I'm thinking you need to make some contributions to the site sir.

gaining premium access as well as networking with like minded guys that will find you through reviews will help you save money.

$1500 in the current market ought to be getting you a minimum of 2-3 hours play a week...
Some of us see double that in this economy

If not you really need to invest in what this site is hear for. Originally Posted by Whispers
Budman's Avatar
What's the point of this thread? Did you just want to let everyone know how much disposable income you have? I don't believe for one second that you were seeking counsel for your "addiction". If you truely want to quit then have the mods disable your account. If not then contribute by reveiwing the plethora of ladies you spend time with. I know when I have the feeling that I may be drinking to much I go and talk to my favorite bartender. It's funny how they always know what to say to clear my head.
sixxbach's Avatar
Well Budman,

This is the same guy who claims his avatar of a muscular dude was his (when he first started posting. He likes to brag which is fine but contribute to the database.

guest031812's Avatar
Do what YOU wanna do

the way I see it.. If you were dating a civie you might be spending that much on her (dates, drinks. ect) and risking the chance of not even getting any at all lol ;-)
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Only you can truly answer if you have an addiction problem and the fact it crossed your mind and are thinking it might ..I think you answered your own question
NewWave's Avatar
I'd say it's addictive, but not insurmountable.

it's a release, just like jerking off, getting drunk, using Forbidden Topics, etc...

If you keep needing a release, then it turns into an addiction.

I know I've spent more than I'd like that's for sure.

Am I personally addicted? hard to say, some weeks I feel normal and tired of the b.s. and I keep my distance. Other times I come crashing through here like the Kool Aid Man, looking for trouble.
txAustin202's Avatar
I really don't give a damn what u or Sixx think. If an avatar pic and this thread makes someone a bragger then so be it. The amount I've spent is important to the subject. I wouldn't be thinking like this if I only spent a few hundred a month. But I will thank u guys for being the asses that u guys are. Makes it easier to stay away from the site.

What's the point of this thread? Did you just want to let everyone know how much disposable income you have? I don't believe for one second that you were seeking counsel for your "addiction". If you truely want to quit then have the mods disable your account. If not then contribute by reveiwing the plethora of ladies you spend time with. I know when I have the feeling that I may be drinking to much I go and talk to my favorite bartender. It's funny how they always know what to say to clear my head. Originally Posted by Budman
sixxbach's Avatar
I But I will thank u guys for being the asses that u guys are. Makes it easier to stay away from the site. Originally Posted by txAustin202
For a guy who is in good shape and big bucks you sure a wuss. Goodness, I actually said I wish I had your problem.

With a wussy attitude like that, I bet your SO is getting some side action too lol

But on a serious note, you did say you have been disappointing experiences. Is that why you don't review? Not wanting to hurt a provider's business perhaps? It helps to review because some members may have the same tastes that you do and with a more limited budget. There are about 4 guys who if they say no on a girl, I stay away. This is all about sharing information to make informed decisions.

Budman's Avatar
I really don't give a damn what u or Sixx think. If an avatar pic and this thread makes someone a bragger then so be it. The amount I've spent is important to the subject. I wouldn't be thinking like this if I only spent a few hundred a month. But I will thank u guys for being the asses that u guys are. Makes it easier to stay away from the site. Originally Posted by txAustin202

Glad I could be of service. Bye.
Barry85's Avatar
Yes. It is an addiction.