Careers While Being A Provider

AlexisMoore's Avatar
So as many of you know, I took last year off to finally finish school. 8 long years over and I am finally licensed and now BORED!!
I thought doing this I would be able to break away from this for good. My job is very public and I never wanted to risk my licensing. But I am so bored, I am back.
Being a provider was awesome to me. I actually enjoyed it. But now living in the real world, I feel I did this for nothing.
Has anyone else experienced this? I want to do both now but I am nervous about if the State found out I was a sex worker also.
Life is too short to do something you find so boring. However, since you put in so much work, money, time etc. to complete your education and become licensed, I suggest you do what you said you want to do and work both jobs.

Take all necessary precautions and hope that the higher ups don't find out. However if they do, so what? You just go back to being a provider full-time and at least you won't be bored. If they don't find out, you win. If they do find out, they force your hand and make you do what you truly enjoy and you still win. It's a win win scenario for you.

What you can do to minimize the chances of anyone finding out is reducing your online escort presence and removing as many of your pics as you can. I know several ECCIE providers who have taken advantage of the open enrollment at P411 and switched over mostly to P411. They have deleted their ECCIE bio pages and they don't post any pics on their ECCIE updates either. Their pics can only be found on P411 and only be viewed by registered and logged in P411 members. So that's something you can do, Alexis, and at least it will give you some peace of mind. Knowing that it will be much more difficult for anyone to find your escort pics online.

I'm sure you're using a separate hobby name, hobby number etc. so that can't be used by your RW employer to find out what you're doing on the side.

I empathize for you because I know you're in a tough situation with no easy answers. I suggest that you decide on a plan of action and just go ahead with it. Believe in yourself and believe that everything will turn out for the best.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The first thought in my head is.... if you're concerned, why oh WHY are you showing your face?? Don't get me wrong, you're a pretty girl and I'm sure having the face shots helps your business... but if you're really concerned about real world ramifications-- I'd ditch the full face, pronto.
TheOracle's Avatar
If being a provider was so "awesome" and you "actually enjoyed it" then why were you looking to "break away from this for good"?

Sounds like the adult in you knows deep down this is probably not the best long term "career" choice for you, but the kid in you misses the excitement and the whimsical, "something new everyday" lifestyle of a provider. If you have children (you describe yourself as a Latina MILF), the adult in you should always override the kid in you, and what's best for them should come first and foremost. If you have a means to provide for them that allows you to step out of this high risk, stigmatized, and illegal line of work, then being "bored" is not really a good reason to throw that away. If you don't have kids then ignore what I said, but I would still ask the first question about why you wanted to "break away" if things were so awesome.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Take your presence to SeekingArrangement. There are lots of women over there whose arrangements consist of hourly encounters. They may think of themselves as sugar babies, but they are sex workers. The difference: "Sugar baby" sounds better than ":sex worker," "prostitute" or "escort," both in their minds and if they are spotted or found out. Whether she's seen 100 guys or just one off of SA, someone who found her there (or was directed to her profile) is probably going to lean toward the lower number, while someone who find her here is going to lean toward the higher, or more.
TinMan's Avatar
Ditto what Grace said. You can’t unring the bell once someone connects your two worlds. Any woman with something to lose needs to protect her privacy.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
The reason I left this to finish school is because, for one I am not a quitter. I started school therefore I finished. I'm proud of myself for that. Not a lot of ppl can have the focus, drive, or heart to do what I did.
My kids are basically adults. Me doing this now doesn't hurt them. Nor will it get my kids taken from me. They are too old. So not worried about that.
And my face pics, I've never had an issue. Even in school. I guess I'm just worried it could become an issue.

I really thought being away from this and having a great career would help me thrive. But after 8 yrs of school, raising kids alone, being alone, I've come to find this place as my escape. And I do miss it.
Yes I cannot do this forever. That's why I set myself up for the future here. I've paid off school, lived n had fun, and now I am bored.
I'm use to the fast life you could say
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Over the years, I have known a few young women who managed to meet their financial goals with zero public presence. One worked strictly via word of mouth until her fiance, who was out of town a lot, got hold of her phone and figured things out. Another became invisible when the place she was working at closed. Both cultivated the clients they had known and, where necessary, leveraged those contacts into more business.

As I mentioned before, SA is one route, whether it's one guy who gives you a lot of money or several who give you less. And, if you're caught, there's less social stigma. There's also probably less legal risk.

You can also just quite using face pics and adopt screening techniques that will ensure you don't encounter anyone from your RW in this life.

But as Grace and TinMan have noted, you can't have your cake and eat it, too, putting up face pics while expressing concern about being found out. Only you can analyze the risk-reward ratio.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Its all about risk management and your own personal risk tolerance.

This side of things can be great. Meeting new people, satisfying physical desires, cash on hand on a whim...

But.. then there is the legal risk. The physical risk. And the fact that we don't stay young forever.

I love the hobby-- truly I do. But, when I landed a great real-world job.. I really cut back on my activities around here. The risk/reward ratio just wasn't in favor of the hobby anymore. I do still see regulars as my schedule and location allow-- why not consider just cutting back and seeing regular friends while maintaining your real world career?

Particularly if your job requires state issued licensing-- I'd think long and hard about your true risk vs. reward ratio now. Boredom is one thing.. but to throw the baby out with the bathwater.....

Whatever path you choose, do so with your eyes open. And be careful out there
Laura Lynn's Avatar
And my face pics, I've never had an issue. Even in school. I guess I'm just worried it could become an issue. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
It could become an issue, you never know. So why would you risk all of the years of hard work?

I don't show my full face because I don't want my real world and this fantasy world to collide. Someone could always screenshot something and cause trouble. You just never know.

If I may suggest blurring part of your face or showing no face at all. I'd also recommend never sending a face photo if asked, even if they are screened. I politely tell them they can research my reviews because I don't misrepresent myself and they can see I'm often said to be very pretty. And if they are still worried and/or it's an issue for them, then I say they can move on to the next lady.
It could become an issue, you never know. So why would you risk all of the years of hard work?

I don't show my full face because I don't want my real world and this fantasy world to collide. Someone could always screenshot something and cause trouble. You just never know.

If I may suggest blurring part of your face or showing no face at all. I'd also recommend never sending a face photo if asked, even if they are screened. I politely tell them they can research my reviews because I don't misrepresent myself and they can see I'm often said to be very pretty. And if they are still worried and/or it's an issue for them, then I say they can move on to the next lady. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
It's too late. Even if she blurs her face or removes it from her ads, the damage is done. If you pull up Google and then type in "Alexis Moore Eccie", several dozen images come up that show her face.

She can't erase that from the internet. Which is precisely why a woman shouldn't post pictures of her face ever on a hooker board. Once they are on the internet, they STAY on the internet.
almostfamous's Avatar
The first thought in my head is.... if you're concerned, why oh WHY are you showing your face?? Don't get me wrong, you're a pretty girl and I'm sure having the face shots helps your business... but if you're really concerned about real world ramifications-- I'd ditch the full face, pronto. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Exactly! I think your peace of mind will go way up if you remove your head shots.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-16-2019, 03:26 PM
Congratulations on finishing the long hard years of school and getting licensed on whatever you do, you're pretty much set for life now.
'TUNACAN''s Avatar
Grace has been around a number if years, she's a smart cookie. And if she told me to ditch the face photos pronto they'd be gone yesterday pretty girl or not. Is your Professional License worth losing over a couple of thousand dollars ? How about a hundred thousand? Your head is in the wrong place and that's MHO... 8 long years and it's over! Wow factor.

My attorney & Class III Machinegun Dealer starts going to the bars after work drinking and meeting ladies.. He meets up with 2 beautiful women he cant keep his eyes off of. They all 3 meet and these women get him hooked on Crack Cocaine over a 4 to 5 month period. My attorney has a Law Firm in Summit National Bank building downtown Ft. Worth and leases the whole 12th floor for him & his partners practice. He's very successful doing Corporate Law, a bunch of repetitive paperwork bullshit. 12 months goes by and he starts having problems with his marriage. She knows what is happening cause he never comes home when he meets these ladies at the bar. She files for divorce and she's living in their house. He forgets about his RW life and goes with the flow with the 2 women. By now he is hooked bad on CC. Has a $ 1000.00 a day habit and is going thru funding like some people go thru cigarettes. He has a $ 200,000.00 Machinegun collection he is widdling on to support his habit. 1.5 year later he owns nothing and doesn't have a dime to his name..

What I am saying is 1 year goes by and the State Bar yanks his Law License one day and he no longer has a Law Practice. He sold his collection of firearms and is still living in a crap duplex. Another 6 months goes by and he's looking for a job on Craigslist. Not saying it will happen to you but he no longer has a LAW DEGREE.

Think outside of the box.

This is beyond me, your pictures are still up in your Showcase. All you have to do is take new pictures and NOT SHOW YOUR FACE. Several ladies are doing this. You are throwing your pictures showing your face under the nose of your employer and flirting with disaster. It's a longshot at this point but if your employer gets the web address of your showcase all they have to do is print that page and they have 8 long years of your life and I don't think I HAVE TO EXPLAIN ANYMORE TO YOU AT THIS POINT..


I quit ranting again... Mind my own business.
What was said above about licensing..what can bestowed can be taken away. I have friends who have to report anything thing out side of an ticket, since They are background checked yearly and if something pops up, bam it could all go away. Even if they don’t lose their license reporting agencies at anywhere they would want to won’t touch them.

Age does not treat a majority of the women in this profession kindly (yes, there are exception please no hate mail).
I have only seen this hobby from my side but I think the cash maybe great? The health plan seems to be less then ideal, the retirement plan even more so, business erratic, and the clientele could be jerks
Any path you choose to stay in this game might also lead you to meeting people who were clients or such and could use that against you in your new job if you where to stay in.
Plenty of ways to get thrills out there, heck some of them probably legal. Think worse case scenario, best case scenario, and most likely scenario.
What’s the long term plan?