honest services fraud

VitaMan's Avatar
I guess that is what the college cheaters that got their kids into college are being charged with.. It seems to me they should focus on the fake charity and the schools involved..

Gotta luv the class action lawsuits though....blood sucking lawyers
They ought to nail them all but they probably won't
boardman's Avatar
Schools have deeper pockets than even Felicity Huffman and they care more about their reputations.
Feds charge the low hanging fruit and then bully them into copping a plea so they get the immediate "conviction" to hang their hats on. Bringing the schools into it would take years to maybe get a conviction but more importantly it would use up a lot of resources and you have to figure out what individual to pin it on.

Greg Abbot sent a letter to all state school boards of regents instructing them to shore up their admissions policies. It's a fucking joke.
VitaMan's Avatar
Alumni and others have been stuffing the schools with donations for years to get their kids in. How is this any different ?