true story of the jerk names assfuck

  • hd
  • 06-22-2010, 02:30 PM
Yes, at least I've come to the same conclusion just reading the crap he posts.
slims099's Avatar
ROFLMAO... Big Bob that is Classic
Absolutely priceless. I concur.

Trooper H
LMFAO you are a hot mess
LMFAO!!! This AF told me I should apply for Social Security!! I would love to meet him in a well light park & show him what to do with his ass! Still cracking up!!
Thank you for the laugh! It's terrible but he's actually been somewhat entertaining when you compare his posts to all the drama going on.
You know, assfuck, he put alot of work into that video. You should be flattered.
Bigbobftworth!!! Is Awesome! Thanks for the laugh
Turn out the lights the parties over they say that all good things must end

You are done ass whipe, I mean ass brains oooppsss fuckwad, give it a rest you had your fun and I am tired of feeding the troll.