Providers vs. Sugar Babies

Quick discussion question:

From a hobbyist standpoint, what are the differences between Providers and Sugar Babies.

What are the pros and cons or choosing one or the other?

Asking for a friend. Hehehe
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Beau Derierre's Avatar
Only difference provider gets paid hourly . Sugar baby gets an arrangement .
Contractor vs. employee.
^^^can’t put it better myself
Hourly verses Salary
Grace Preston's Avatar
Let us also remember, there is a difference between a Sugar Daddy and an Aspartame Asshole as well. Around here, that line gets awfully blurry.

They say hookers don't make good sugar babies-- but I know a lot of hobbyists that don't make good sugar daddies either.
Provider's are reviewed hence we know what we're getting into. SBs are not reviewed so we may have to invest lots of time and money. Its like going restaurant vs cooking yourself to eat.
No difference. You pay them both with the provider getting paid on the spot vs weekly or monthly for the SB. Many hobbyists fall in love with both and want to treat them as RW girlfriends. Both give their customers GFE. Both see other men regardless what a SB tells her SD. Both providers and SBs are fucking someone else for free. Both have a goal of making you feel good to depart money from your wallet. Both are transactional and require PNP. No money, no honey. Both have rules of engagement. Provider is the way to go for the relationship is clear and clean. Let’s enjoy ourselves for the hour we’re together and ask no RW questions. SB relationships are for suckers and weak minded men that want to feel exclusive in a constructed relationship. Men with SBs feel entitled to pry into their SB RW life and demand more personal accountability. Just my two cents.
HoustonDan's Avatar
A true SB is a relationship. It’s something you invest in and develop. It’s not fuck this and that girl and move on every week. I currently have a SB, it’s great. If you can’t afford the lifestyle don’t try it. It’s god damn expensive.

Providers aren’t SB. They’re not close to SBs. Some girls on SB sites are providers. They’re usually UTR but don’t confuse them with legit SBs.
A true SB is a relationship. It’s something you invest in and develop. It’s not fuck this and that girl and move on every week. I currently have a SB, it’s great. If you can’t afford the lifestyle don’t try it. It’s god damn expensive.

Providers aren’t SB. They’re not close to SBs. Some girls on SB sites are providers. They’re usually UTR but don’t confuse them with legit SBs. Originally Posted by HoustonDan
SB sites?
I thought you have to find them in real life.
^^^^ lmao
A true SB is a relationship. It’s something you invest in and develop. It’s not fuck this and that girl and move on every week. I currently have a SB, it’s great. If you can’t afford the lifestyle don’t try it. It’s god damn expensive.

Providers aren’t SB. They’re not close to SBs. Some girls on SB sites are providers. They’re usually UTR but don’t confuse them with legit SBs. Originally Posted by HoustonDan
Money talks. A provider can be whomever you want them to be as long as the money is worth it. Don't underestimate us. LOL

^^^^ she makes his point
^^^^ she makes his point Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
What point? That we're extraverted and like to talk to people. Not necessarily a SB but a socialist.