Whispers, welcome back!

gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-25-2017, 11:29 PM
So, he hates some providers around here like fire hates ice, but women continue to see him. I get it, the power of a dollar is high. Nonetheless, he is an old, fat, ugly, misogynist who will gladly smile to your face while stabbing you in the back.

What do you do with an online bully? I've never had a bully in my life(my brother has, ask those guys how it ended because of me) but I have the unfortunate experience of a stalker or two. It didn't end well for those either.

And no, I don't want to hurt his guy physically, but I do wonder how lonely he is. He bumps an old thread about a woman on here that we all know of. . . Still, he must have a lot of free time and an absence of friends because all he does is cast hate on this forum. He is similar to the Seattle of Eccie; things are never blue skies for him.

How sad of a life is that? Whispers, tell us how many friends you have that are not friends for the sake of your money?

(BTW, I'm still willing to golf with you if the bet is right, or we could always rent an inflatable sumo wrestler blow up costume for me so that I look like you when we wrestle for charity).
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-25-2017, 11:55 PM
Things slow in Kansas City?

Welcome to the "please make me feel relevant on a hooker message board" club!

I'm pretty sure he just enjoys the entertainment value of provoking whores and johns. I doubt he hates anyone here... that would mean he cared!

gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-26-2017, 12:07 AM
Things slow in Kansas City?

Welcome to the "please make me feel relevant on a hooker message board" club!

I'm pretty sure he just enjoys the entertainment value of provoking whores and johns. I doubt he hates anyone here... that would mean he cared!

z Originally Posted by ztonk
How is your bestie doing? I mean, he disables his account more that Discover disables some of my clients credit cards, so I am just checking in.

BTW, I was in your hometown not too long ago. . . I will say this, because it is the same thing I say every time I visit: beautiful town but overpriced. Now, I'm not meaning that as an insult, I say the same thing about La Jolla, San Fransisco, Seattle, New York . . . And the list could go on.

Nonetheless, I am posting about a certain person who loves to dig up trash on some women in your community. Are you that tied to the hip of Whispers? I cannot remember the last time I saw a Mod white knighting a poster like this. Could you please roll over and whisper in his ear that I was thinking about him? Thanks.