flu vs. cv19

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Vox magazine talks about the difference between flu and cv19

Fuck Vox!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
of the 7 known previous "corona" type viruses, 4 are seasonal and 3 are not. those three ran their course. it is possible this new variant will also run it's course. if that is so then all this shelter in place stuff was the exact wrong thing to do as it prevents herd immunity from happening. if this version is seasonal then it will worse than needed because of all this freak out crap.
I kept waiting for the obligatory........”It’s all Trump’s fault”.
I kept waiting for the obligatory........”It’s all Trump’s fault”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If a 105 year old WWII veteran got killed by a hungry bear whose cub he petted it would be blamed on Trump.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Let me guess, Clorox kills Covid, but Lysol kills flu?

Neither should be administered without ample toilet paper, eh?

The difference between the two diseases is that one if them has been managed by a fucking idiot who wants yous to cut off your balls and buy Nike’s. The other has a vaccine.
Let me guess, Clorox kills Covid, but Lysol kills flu?

Neither should be administered without ample toilet paper, eh?

The difference between the two diseases is that one if them has been managed by a fucking idiot who wants yous to cut off your balls and buy Nike’s. The other has a vaccine. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Not a very effective vaccine and I never take it anyway.

Fuck the flu, and FUCK XXX!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let me guess, . Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Stop... Originally Posted by Wakeup
HoeHummer's Avatar
Not a very effective vaccine and I never take it anyway.

Fuck the flu, and FUCK XXX! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Nice talk, JL.

Yous don’t have the minerals to say what yous are so delicately implyings.

If yous did, you’d have written FUCK XXXS.

Nice talk, JL.

Yous don’t have the minerals to say what yous are so delicately implyings.

If yous did, you’d have written FUCK XXXS.

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Good one - I'm glad you were able to interpret the intentions of my coded message.
Let me guess, Clorox kills Covid, but Lysol kills flu?

Neither should be administered without ample toilet paper, eh?

The difference between the two diseases is that one if them has been managed by a fucking idiot who wants yous to cut off your balls and buy Nike’s. The other has a vaccine. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
What a true idiot sounds like.
Let me guess, Clorox kills Covid, but Lysol kills flu?

... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Try it and report back! Pay particular attention to dosage and frequency. Thank you.
Try it and report back! Pay particular attention to dosage and frequency. Thank you. Originally Posted by gnadfly
We could crowdsource plenty of funding for him to experiment with an array of chemicals....