The Police and Nitwitboy

Nitwitboy's Avatar
So I was walking my dogs off leash at a school in my area and a cop showed up to inform me that I missed the signs that said no dogs. No big deal as I have been doing this for three years. It was a female officer and my dogs are friendly boxers. Boxers are great dogs and most dog lovers know this. Anyway, we were talking and no ticket was issued. She was attractive and no ring on the finger. I aksed her out and she blushed and said yes. I do not hobby when I am dating or in a realtionship. My question is simple - What can I expect dating a cop? I know some of you at one time or another have done it or know people that did it? I have never done it and it kind of freaks me out. Not because of the hobby; I am very secretive about that but rather the dominance thing. I like being a guy. I like feminie women. If I have to smash some guy talking shit at a bar I like knowing that it does not present a problem. I have this notion that female cops are all very dominant, non feminine and rough around the edges. She was cute, she was small and her ass was proportionate to her shoulders. I did not mention the battle with cancer either.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Man, just be yourself and have fun. There is no need to over think things. You seem like a good dude and if it's meant to be, than so be it.....It's a first date so don't freak yourself out before the date by over thinking different possible scenarios. Forget about the fact that she is a cop, nobody's job defines them, (unless she is a nun), so don't worry about that.....You said that she blushed, to me she sounds like a woman who liked you so just be yourself and forget about her job. Don't forget, cops are regular people and they like to have fun too.

And much much much more importantly, I wish you the best of luck with your battle with Cancer.
Yeah, what Lucas said...tell her to bring the cuffs (and the key!) While she's riding you in CG, have her write you a speeding ticket...
I escaped melanoma 10 years ago; you will beat this, Nitwitboy.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I think you can be a female cop and still be a female. She is not her job.

She blushed? How girlie of her....'-)
MAX's advice seems good to me. Women have a much greater talent at separating their work from their personal life. Men are the ones who follow every introduction with, "What do you do?" We define ourselves that way. Most women I know don't but even if they do, that's fine. Good luck.
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 12-31-2010, 09:56 AM
I've actually dated a female cop before and can tell you asking her to bring her cuffs will ruin it....make her think all you want is sex with her. Some suggestions, be open if she wants to talk about her job, but do not ever start discussions about crap you see in the news and unless you want it to end quickly never ever take the side of anyone arrested by a cop. Mine made it clear that she hated dirty cops but people outside the family should stay out of their family life (ie cops all over).

Treat her like a lady. She is constantly reminded that she is a cop 24/7 and the lady I dated made it clear she accepted my invitation because she didnt want to date a cop but a civilian and to allow her a chance to get away from her job for a lil bit.

Dont ask to play with her gun. Don't know if your lady will carry her's but mind did all the time. I did my best to make life with me totally not like her job and allow her an escape from the drama, politics and bs she saw daily.

Oh be a good listener. She will have crap on her that we only read about in the papers and she might open up and use you (if she trust you) as her dumping board to relieve the stress.

Never ever discuss the hobby, ever. Will ruin any chance at any time and if your out, be her desiginated driver, mine use to tell me that if the driver was drunk and she was just a passenger she'd loose more than him.

Good luck. It was a great time for me and if you play your cards right, in time the cuffs just might come out, LMAO.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I hope all works out well for you.

While I may be over thinking this, what are the chances that; a, LE routinely monitors this site, b, It would be relatively easy to determine what female officer was involved in such a unique situation? This may not be the best place to discuss this, if you get my drift.
Black Sedan's Avatar
nitwitboy, iaintliein makes a really good point. You might want to ask the mods to edit out the details a vice cop could search police reports for... just in case she's a good cop and wrote one out. These days they just quickly log stuff directly into the computer in the car.

"Officer, this is Joe in Vice. Hey how are you? So did this guy that you stopped for walking dogs at XXX school the other day ask you out? Oh yeah? He's a john."
hwygnome's Avatar
Be yourself. Be a man but that also means not going over the line in taking care of that shit mouth. Likely she will want to leave a situation like that. Listen. Just assume she will be packing heat so you need to plan for that.

Be aware that if not her than her buddies just might dig into your background. Well you better just to assume they will.

And as mentioned if she does use you for a sounding board let her. That probably won't happen for awhile unless she knows you can relate.

Other than those and a few other things its pretty much like dating most other women.
pyramider's Avatar
Post a photo of her taint.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 01-02-2011, 04:31 AM
All the best.
rylstone's Avatar
Female cops meets a guy walking boxers in a school yard. Starts dating. Other cops keeping up with this site take note of this post. . . .TMI
Agree w/ rylstone. I wouldn't mention how you two meet on here because she might be in vice and read this on eccie, or a buddy will pass on the info.