How does a provider feel after

Invisible1's Avatar
I meet providers. I read reviews. Most of the time guys feel relaxed, awesome, or have a big grin after a session. Guys dont like to leave and often wish they had planned a longer session.... Yet, after a session (short or long) most guys feel euphoric, happy and ready to take on whatever the world hands them for a while. (Must be the dopamine rush from cumming)

I often wonder how the lady provider feels after a guy leaves. Many movies/articles focus on the insecure, dirty or used feeling that a forced sex worker has afterwards.

But, on Eccie and P411 forced sex workers are not the norm . Eccie and P411 are made up of mainly independent providers from all ethnicities. The providers here are of every flavor, age, shape experience level, and size. Most providers are here because they want to be here.

So I have to ask, what feelings and emotions do providers here have after a session? Do providers often get that euphoric high from a session too? Do providers wish some sessions didnt have to end, but know its best to end them close to on time? Are providers often glad its over? Do most providers love what they do most of the time? Is providing sex a fun addiction/hobby that also pays..... Or or does providing quickly become a necessity that pays the bills, but is also sometimes? Or, does the thrill of having new sex with the next stranger rule or repeat client rule?

Not sure I'll get candid answers, but thought I'd ask.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I'm the Queen of candid. No matter how good or bad of a time I had...I'm still ready for it to be over when the time over.Time is money. I got shit to do.
  • Re
  • 08-31-2016, 09:43 AM
Probably the same way you'd feel if you went to work and had your boss fuck your face and cum in your hair. Money truly is Satan
No matter how good or bad of a time I had...I'm still ready for it to be over when the time over.Time is money. I got shit to do. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
This. And...

I feel relieved and grateful bc I'm not stressing about how to pay for next week's groceries, school lunches or those outrageous electric and water bills. Grateful I don't have to apply for more student loans to pay for my tuition and books.

I'm actually starting to get worried about when I leave because this has really helped out a lot with those things. I know it will all work out and I have a good plan. But still. This is an awesome safety net when you need it.
dianaares_x's Avatar
Hungry or sleepy.

I usually laze around and snack while playing video games after.
Lunytunz's Avatar
I think we must not forget that, for the ladies, this a business transaction. Payment for services rendered. It's a job for them. No matter the skills and delightful, caring attitude they portray, it's still business for them. It can be confusing for us fellas and we may misinterpret their congenial service as attraction or even pleasure during the session. I am always careful to guard my emotions and enjoy the lady's company for what it is. I always want to be kind, attentive and sensitive to their wants, needs and preferences because, honestly, that's just how a gentleman acts when in the company of a lady. However, let us not over interpret the ladies interest in the session. The desired outcomes are totally different and are both driven by self interest. With that being said, I do have a tempered affection to one or two ATF' there's that. Lmao.
Really dude op. They are people too. Wtf pay them for their feelings lol
I think we must not forget that, for the ladies, this a business transaction. Payment for services rendered. It's a job for them. No matter the skills and delightful, caring attitude they portray, it's still business for them. It can be confusing for us fellas and we may misinterpret their congenial service as attraction or even pleasure during the session. I am always careful to guard my emotions and enjoy the lady's company for what it is. I always want to be kind, attentive and sensitive to their wants, needs and preferences because, honestly, that's just how a gentleman acts when in the company of a lady. However, let us not over interpret the ladies interest in the session. The desired outcomes are totally different and are both driven by self interest. With that being said, I do have a tempered affection to one or two ATF' there's that. Lmao. Originally Posted by Lunytunz
You aren't completely accurate here...
While, yes, this is a business. At the same time, many times I conduct business and have great pleasure at the same time. I don't provide an "illusion of passion". I have never faked anything. Ever. I honestly think that if I have to start faking it, I no longer need to be a provider.
That being said, there have been times that the chemistry wasn't there and it is a bit uncomfortable. In that case, I am usually relieved when the session is over. But if I am with someone who is completely laying it on me, I usually don't want it to end. Well, until I am dehydrated of course.
I totally get what Lunytunz is saying but for me, I always seek a connection on some level beyond just a sexual one. When I feel there is a real chemistry or connection, I "love" that woman for those two hours or whatever time frame I'm with them and, occasionally, I get a little "love" back. In someways it's more intense since both parties know it's fleeting and without any expectations. Maybe I am the one that is Lunytunz but that's my view.
Erika Sweet's Avatar
Yes, it's my chosen profession and financially gratifying. Nonetheless, it's always a pleasure to be in the company of a gentleman, and more enjoyable when there's genuine chemistry. My donation rules out the time wasters, which is the biggest turn-off for most providers. Not all dates conclude with sex. Lastly, money is important, but I refuse to entertain someone I don't feel some kind of affection towards and kindly make myself "unavailable" to them.
That's why you're so popular SP! It's so refreashing to be with a pretty lady that really enjoys what she does. Great at just talking, and even better bcd!!
Erika Sweet's Avatar
Muah. Thank you
melannie_star's Avatar
First I would like to say invisible1 you always have the best convos. LOL. I love your topic!
As for me, after meeting a gentleman..
I would honestly say I have the feeling of extasy and pleasure..
Depending on activities, it motivates and leaves me wanting more.
At times, I am impatient and take out my AA's.
If you know what you are doing..
Then all I want to do is go home and eat a cold bowl of ice cream.
Vanilla or Chocolate.. its all good after sex!
IF you are really good, I may light up a cigarette
For me it depends on the session.

I wish for longer sessions when the clients gives me a massage or a foot rub, and pampers me haha, which is majority of them.

And a few times my sessions run over especially for nuru because in the beginning I enjoy talking with my clients over a glass of wine before the session and listening to their stories and telling my goofy stories.

After the session, I feel satisfied in the since that I gave positive energy to my clients to make them feel good, and for them to feel good about themselves.

Now if its a client that I do not favor due to hygiene or poor manners then at the end I'm still happy that they are satisfied, but the other half of me is just glad that I am finished lol.
I'm the Queen of candid. No matter how good or bad of a time I had...I'm still ready for it to be over when the time over.Time is money. I got shit to do. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Me too. DONE and back to the real world! I am happy and move on to the next thing/errands I need to do that day....after I eat lunch....then I play tennis with friends which is the highlight of the day. :-)