There are alot of Great AA Providers and Hobbiest

I have seen so many threads lately about not seeing AA and now providers not seeing clients cause he seen an AA provider. I dont understand how anyone can be like that to anyone that did no harm to them. I mean as long as a hobbiest or provider is clean, nice, does no kind of harm to someone and isnt causing drama for anyone why treat them like that. I couldnt sleep at nite if I mistreated someone like that. I see some of these awesome providers on here and some of the AA girls are as sexy as hell and could rock anyone's boat and she could make a straight girl turn bi and how about some of these sexy awesome AA hobbiest that is so respectful in chat and in real life. I also wonder why is it always AA being talked about what about the other races? I have so many great guys that come and see me that I cant imagine telling someone no cause of the race but how I am treated. I think of the famous AA people in the world and how blessed we are to have their talent to watch and listen too. I have some great AA friends in the real world and other races also. I am grateful there isnt one race in this world cause we are blessed with so many great people we can learn from. I think of the ladies that does nails how smart they are to learn more then one language or how about the hard working spanish guys that do jobs some people wouldnt do. I think of the AA hobbiest that I was blessed to see and he is such a hard worker and so smart he can speak three languages. I am white and I only know one so who is smarter I would say him. I dont understand why cant we just get along and if you dont want to see someone cause of size or race or anything then just dont but dont treat others bad that do. I believe everyone gets paid with the same color money in the USA and I believe if we are hurt we all bleed red and if are upset and cry the tears are the same. I believe that we all get to sit on any seat of a bus or plane as long as we pay for our tickets. I believe we all can get the same education as long as we try and find the means to do it. I am sorry for all the racist ways of others and it really is so sad to me.. I have added to my profile and other places I see all races so if someone dont like it please dont contact me. I know there will be alot of hateful and ugly remarks to this thread. I really wish everyone a good week and a safe one. Take care!!!!!!!!
TexasCowboy's Avatar
This is complete bulls**t.....If someone thinks that they are better then the next person because of the color of their skin, then the bi*** had better look in the mirror....In the business world it is not like this at all, for everyone works as a team to complete projects on time and to be successful.....In the Navy I counted on the next individual without regard to the color of their skin, religion, ethnic background or their apperance...

If an individual is a firefighter or police officer they are not going to look at the person that is going to save them as being superior to them for their deversity.....If someone told me that they would not see me for I have seen a woman of ethnic culture, then I would not even ask them twice....This is about as shallow as an individual can possible become....

My thoughts exactly!!!!!!!

Don't judge an entire race of people on a few bad ones.

It doesn't happen to any other race except African Americans.

But, providers choose to see whom they choose.

To me, it just shows how immature some people are.

I think the reason there are so many threads about this, is because it is offensive to blacks and is tolerated on this board. Jim Crowe revisited.

"No Blacks Allowed" can't be posted on a business window anymore, if we consider the hobby a Buisness (Hint....Hint)

An easy solution to this issue, is for the mods to get providers to use a preference statement instead of what they don't want......or.......substitute "NBA" with the following....

Providers should use the phrase "I desire to meet Caucasian Men only"

It doesn't give the impression that something is wrong with an entire subset of people like ( I don't see any old white men.......or.......No fat guys allowed). Hobbyist that are old, Caucasian, or obese please do not take offence. I was just trying to make a point. Some people are so oblivious to racism that they can't see it.

The Mods should recognize that a subset of hobbyist need their assistance in this matter. There wouldn't be a "Superthread" if something didn't need to be done.

That is a statement of preference, for all the people who say that us why they post "NBA"

Just a thought

I have an NBA policy too:

"No Broke Ass*s Allowed"

Its 2012, Race is the last of my worries here. We are all one race, and that's called human! FYI.
TP...I couldn't agree more! I've witnessed firsthand the lows of racist fucks....I never talk about my personal life but I've got 3 younger brothers who are bi-racial and so is my daughter! Adults with these views run the trail of racism right down to their brothers were eased damn near everyday at school because their mommy was white and daddy was black. Who gives a shit...I mean did my brothers ask to be brought into this world....NO. Did my mom plan.on marrying a black man...NO. She married who she fell in love with and made a family. Been married 24 years...HAPPILY MARRIED TOO! It truly sickens me that people are stuck in these ways. I look at my daughter every night and never see that she's mixed But that she was created out of love and is a true blessing...same as for my brothers. Its quite disturbing to me that I've had men contacy me on here and before even saying hello they ask if I see black men? Before I even reply I go check reviews...and LOW AND BEHOLD they have not one but a few reviews of AA providers ...haaaaaaaa!! Damn shame!
Lets remember this folks ....GOD DONT LIKE UGLY..AND HE AINT TOO FOND OF PRETTY!!!
Cunnilinguists's Avatar
In the real world, the current generation of young adults seems to play well with others without the racial undercurrents. There was an interesting book that came out this year. "Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed".
One of the points brought up in the book had to do with professional African-American women not being able to find Mr. Right AA, and the authors telling professional AA women not to wait for Mr. Right AA and date men of other races, cultures etc.
There have been several AA women I (white professional guy) have wanted to date in the last 20 years. But I could tell it was going to be complicated and often it was difficult to get one of these ladies to take me seriously. I either got laughed at in a nice way like I was joking, or they just told me up front it wasn't going to happen. I guess deeply rooted prejudices and social mores prevented great relationships from forming in the past.
Thankfully, this is changing with the current generation and if I were a 20 something asking an AA women out would not be an issue.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I feel you Truly Passion. She is not saying any race is better than another at all, or even that she has a personal preference. She is saying that she sees some of the threads and posts about black providers and hobbyist and she thinks its total bulls**t and it really is.

Some things that are said would be totally unacceptable in any other setting so why is it ok to say here?

There are some great black hobbyist and I am glad some girls have NBA policies because money they might have made is going into my pocket instead...right where it belongs (lol).
Keep it up ladies!

As for the things said every once in a while about black providers...every time I pass a mirror I see what you are missing . I know that if you saw me in a store you wouldn't be able to keep your eyes off me. Sexy is sexy. It doesn't have a color or size or age. It doesn't have anything to do with what you have heard in the past. It is what wakes up your trouser snake. We all have our preferences but it is important to keep an open mind. The laws of attraction were made to be broken!
Thanks to the ones that understand what I am saying. I wasnt saying anyone is better then anyone else. I am blessed to know so many great and awesome people in the hobby world and the real world. I also know some sorry people too but we all do. All kinds of people make the world go round and make it nt boring.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
TP....There are times of crisis where the best of someone comes out and people are not so judgemental anymore...As an example is there was a wreck and an individual was hurt and they were either alone or with their family and an AA man came to help them out of their car before it exploded or save the persons life, they would not be so keen of the color of a persons skin.....Or they were in a hospital and it was an AA doctor that saved their family members they would sure be looking past the color of a persons skin then...

Some people are complete idiots and very shallow for judging others to quickly...

pyramider's Avatar
Ah fuck another racial thread. Damn I am tired ... I guess when I saw AA I was thincking Asshats Anonymous..
It was gracious of you to start another topic in defense on your view on race (AA) to be exact, I would rather the topics fade away.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
One of the points brought up in the book had to do with professional African-American women not being able to find Mr. Right AA, and the authors telling professional AA women not to wait for Mr. Right AA and date men of other races, cultures etc. Originally Posted by Cunnilinguists

I may have read the same book and a point people seem to constantly miss is that many AA men now days are even dating AND marrying women outside their race thus making "Mr. Right AA" a difficult find.
Good luck it will never fade..Everywhere I look all i see is race or pimp threads out..Well the race thread is crazy I almost one day said i wish i was a lighter color cause i was tried of all thing shit i was getting..But it doest get to me as much now I come from a little town where blacks really dont mean shit...use to date a white guy in paris everywhere we went we got looks..Then when his family got wind that he was dating a black ALL hell it was bad..I hope everyone can just grow up..
Invisible1's Avatar
All I can add is that variety is the spice of life. Go out and have a little variety today! Often times it will put a big grin on your face. I love so many different flavors of ice cream, its hard to just choose one flavor at the grocery store. I'm just sayin'

Not to get off topic, but GODDAMN Morgan is fine! EBG is on my lit already, but I didn't even know about Morgan. Yea buddy...going to have to get those in!!