Heidi gets the heave-ho (pun intended)

Heidi.Fly's Avatar
Hey eveyone, I know I've been pretty unpredictable lately and a lot of you are probably curious about some things I've mentioned in my posts on oh2. I'm pretty private usually, I would never dream of telling the whole world my business. Especially when it's as embarrassing as this; but, I have reason to expect sabotage. So, this is my preemptive strike against the destruction of my business.
You all know I had a husband and you know that we were having a hard time. Well, that's because he's been having an affair, and a lengthy one at that. I know this is probably a controversial subject in a forum of this type, right? Well, I always say, it's the heart behind it that matters. Out of all my time in the hobby, I've only met one client who was visiting me simply because he wanted to hurt his wife, one.
Most of you don't want to hurt your wives for anything in the world. You see us because you have unmet needs; but the
heart behind your actions is not malicious. Additionally, you're visits to us are usually one-offs, sometimes maybe a few visits before you switch up; but you're not carrying on a full on affair. Nor would you ever dream of brining this
into your homes with your wife right there. You would never blatantly put this in your wives face. Which seems so much worse to me than a visit here and there; but, of course, my opinion is biased. Before you start assuming that perhaps he was angry about the hobby. Let me assure you, he knew exactly how the bills were getting paid. This was his idea to begin with and he participated in many sessions with me. Past posts here and on oh2 will validate that. This was not retaliation for the hobby or any other similar misdeed.
Anyways, I expect some attempts at ruining my reputation and my business as a whole. I've noticed with other situations of this type in these forums that the guy usually writes some bogus negative reviews in an attempt to ruin the lady's reputation.
I fully expect this as well as a smear campaign. Perhaps I will be wrong and nothing will happen. I hope that's the case.
However, he is very vindictive, and has threatened to "ruin me" many times. So, I believe it's appropriate to at least brace
for impact.
So, if I start getting negative reviews or people start bad-mouthing me, please take that with a grain of salt. I urge you to look at my reputation before this point and use your best judgment as to what you believe about me. I thank you in advance for your continued support.
I am still entertaining friends. OUT is preferred until I can get my IN situation straightened out.
I need lots of help right now gentlemen, and you know I hated saying that. So, if you're a Heidi fan, please show me some love and make an appointment. I would be extremely grateful.

TL/DR: My husband and hobby partner has been having a long term affair behind my back, that he carried out in our home, with and without me present in the apartment. This was done maliciously and in an unnecessarily cruel manner.
Now that it's over, I am expecting some attempts to sabotage me on the forums.
Additionally, I am behind on bills due to this craziness and I would love to come to
you at your place. Once the locks are changed, my place will be available again.
I have no ETA on that at this time. Hopefully soon.

Thanks for reading. I would ask that you not make shitty comments; but, I know better than that.
DallasRain's Avatar
So sorry this is happening to you...I wish ya better/happier days!
Good luck to you. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about your rep here, from intel and reviews I’ve read.
Heidi, I've always enjoyed reading your posts here. You always came across as a first class lady. Smart idea to create this thread & implement this pre-emptive strike, now even if your husband or his friends write fake negative reviews or make negative comments...no one will believe them.

I'm sure this will all blow over and you will do more than fine. Best of luck to you.
Heidi.Fly's Avatar
Thank you
JackHammer007's Avatar
Best of luck to you.
warm hugs from this direction .. anyone that really knows you will definitely say otherwise keep your head up this will pass
Big hug girlie....let me know if I can help in any way.
You are a rock star and I agree, I don't think this board would buy anything said that is disparaging of you. By the way, since you are outcall now, is Dallas too far?
heatseekingmister's Avatar
Heidi is a professional, clean, classy lady! Anyone who says different is full of bs. I hope you get through this ok. If outcalls were possible for me I would help, but I hope you get your place back soon! Love ya!
If only I could do outcalls... hope it clears up for you both personally and professionally.
Evan_T's Avatar
Heidi is and will be one of my ATF’s, as can be witnessed from my sig lines. She is one of the best vibes to be around, and one of the most down-to-earth (and downright sexy) providers I know. This took a lot of bravery to write, and I am sure the ECCIE community will not let fake reviews bring down an otherwise stellar reputation.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, Heidi.
mtabsw's Avatar
Sorry this is happening. I think you're immune from being sabotaged as you've described, I've never seen a bad word, and I personally remember a great visit.
You are handling this the best way you could. Sorry for the terrible situation and hope it ends quickly.
pmdelites's Avatar
heidi, wow!!!!
for him to have an affair is one thing, esp if you have boundaries of such behavior/choices.
to do so in your place is pretty ballsy (maybe he wanted to get caught?).
and to do so when you were there? i hope YOU were the one who gave him the heave-ho and didnt get the heave-ho from him.
there is discretion and then there is blatant disrespect.

if you've got close friends who can be with you as you navigate the ups, downs, grief, relief, tears of sadness, tears of laughter, etc., be open and welcoming of their offers to be with you. now is not the time to stay away from them cos you "can deal with it myself" (not saying you are, but lots who go thru major life shifts take this shutting out approach).

sending you positive vibes as your move to the next phase of your life.
peace be with you.