Down payments, half up front, gift cards

What do you guys think about these request from girls. I have never done any but am afraid if I don’t I may be stuck with some of the Pittsburgh”yes” girls.

How do you manage or get around them.
Never do it.
Never. Learned the hard way a while ago.
snoopy75's Avatar
Never have never will. How do I get around it? Simple. I tell them the truth. There are a million other girls out there that don't require deposit up front, gift cards, newports, Wendy's, ETC. If they don't want to meet they can find someone else. I'm ready right now, have the funds, and can schedule and be there on time. It's that simple. If they are in this for the money they will agree, if they don't want to that's fine. If someone refuses to see me because I won't do a deposit up front I immediately block their number and forget about them. 9 times out of 10 it's a scam.
My own personal experience has been bad. I sent money upfront on 2 different occasions and then never heard from the girl again.
Now I offer them a 100 dollar bill if they'll just prove to me that they are real and look like their posted pictures. I simply tell them that if they are willing to meet me in public and they look like their pictures, illnhand them a 100 dollar bill, and they can simply walk away after that if they want.
Thus far, not one girl whom I made the offer to has taken me up on it.
Im told if you do send them money via a credit card, you can file a dispute,and your funds will be credited back to your account.
If they want money up front, they are probably a dude in Bangladesh living in a hut.
I've no problem picking up Newports or Wendy's on the way. But that's stuff they get upon meeting, and I think that's a nice little gift. But cash or deposits before we meet? Nope, never happening
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Im told if you do send them money via a credit card, you can file a dispute,and your funds will be credited back to your account. Originally Posted by I ce man
Hello, this is pnc bank credit department. How can I help you?

Yeah, I paid some ho with my cc and she wouldn’t do bbbj. I’d like to dispute the charge.
berryberry's Avatar
Paying up front online is a scam 99% of the time. It is a way for you and your money to be soon parted with nothing else happening

Just tell them no. That you pay cash when you meet. If they don't like that, they are more than likely trying to scam you.

Simple hobby rule 101 - never pay up front (half, full, just $20 for gas or $50 for a deposit - it doesn't matter how little or much they ask for - just say no and don't get scammed).
bambino's Avatar
Hello, this is pnc bank credit department. How can I help you?

Yeah, I paid some ho with my cc and she wouldn’t do bbbj. I’d like to dispute the charge. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I was thinking that myself.
I was thinking that myself. Originally Posted by bambino
"Hi, this transaction was me trying to commit a crime. The other person didn't commit the crime as agreed upon, and I'd like a refund."
I recently rejoined SA. I hadn't paid for a subscription in 2 years. I've sent over a hundred PM's in the last 30 days (sub expires tomorrow). I received responses from maybe 40 of them. Out of those 40, 20 of them have volleyed PM's with me (some giving phone numbers) and none of them ask for less than five hundo for a meetup, and every fucking one of them has ended up with a request for cashapp prior to meeting.

I've heard every fucking line in the book; my pet needs to go to the vet, I am having knee surgery tomorrow, rent is due, car crash/broke down, [family member] in hospital, my dad took the car, stuck [out of state] and need to get home, I'm under house arrest, living with my parents, need to pay fines today, buy books for school, buy my content before we meet so I know that you're legit...
One of them.

my point is, someone must be paying these "people" via cashapp or else there wouldn't be as much of it happening. There's a sucker born every minute and apparently those suckers have tons of extra money to pay these "people" for nothing.

That said, pre-pay is like giving your addict friend a 'loan' expecting to be paid back. It ain't happening. Unless you have money to burn, don't ever do it.
...on top of the fact that they might be able to hack your accounts. Cash is much harder to trace than online payments.
Wow. The first time I was on there about 4 years ago I fucked 9 girls over a 2 month period. The most I ever paid was 200 and that was only once. The last time I was on there was about a year ago and I had no success at all