Help for a friend
I have a close friend that has a big dilemma. She did a photo shoot with a very well known(in our industry) very pricey photographer at a 5 star hotel.Today the 5 star hotel contacted her on her work phone stating that her pictures had to be taken down because no paperwork was signed allowing photography at their hotel.She told them that she went to the hotel(where photographer was staying)to do the photo shoot and assumed the photographer knew what she was doing and did not think it was a problem. The hotel told my friend that she had two weeks to have the picture down or they would contact their lawyers.The hotel staff provided her work number ,was very respectful, and said that she could be reached again.
My friend spent nearing 4 grand on the photo shoot and new website,along with a lot of long hours perfecting the site and is devastated.
Do y'all have any advice that I could pass along to her?