Food and Local Color

In an attempt to get some contributions inthis forum, What interesting or just plain GOOd places to eat do you have in your area?

Perhaps a visiting Provider might want some good food and not want to go the Chain extablishment route.
So Post a city and give a suggestion, especially a lesser known place.

I will offer this out of the way place in Orange. It is called Peggy's On the Bayou on Roundbunch Road close to plants, on Cow Bayou. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Naturally, heavy on the seafood menu ( "bugs", alligator, shrimp, crab), but also FANTASTIC hamburgers on jalepeno Buns and chicken fried steak. Food was delicious ( and I do NOT like seafood) and comfortably priced. Tonight ( Thurs, Fri, and Sat) live entertainment ( the place has maybe 10 tables, that's all), a guy ( he had a name, but it didn't mean anything to me, might ot natives in the area) playing a keyboard and singing sort of 60ish, cajun,Elvis mix. and he was decent. I did not even want to pay him to STOP, like I usually do. It had " ATMOSPHERE" and "LOCAL COLOR". I did not see beer on the menu, which was odd for the area.

OK, Now where are your suggestions for the area you live in or near?
srvfin's Avatar
Unlike Trees, I love seafood! Favorite current spot is Floyd's in Beaumont. Fresh gulf raw oysters, shrimp of all kinds, some crab bisque that is just too rich to eat, and these overstuffed crab meat stuffed fried jalapenos that are just divine. The gumbo is fantastic, just like my old grandpa used to make! Full bar also. So if you're heading into town and would like to go, just pm me. My rates are..... (just kidding).

Lemontrees, I take it you are over the bridge from me in either BC or the color of the sun? I am positive we have a mutual friend from that area since I've seen you posted in her yahoo group, but how is it I have never heard of you until the last couple of months? Small world idn't it?
Floyds is Great too! When pushed, they make a great rare steak, but you have to tellthem to still let it be mooing. But raised in SA, my palate runs to rare steaks and enchaladas w/ refried beans! I WILL eat FRIED shrimp or FRIED catfish when pushed. LOL Actually, I would probably eat FRIED cardboard too!

Our friend is quite the gadabout these days. she needs to get her little hotbody back here as it is warming up enough to start garage sales again!

And I am somewhat new to the area ( just in time for the 3 horroricaines that rolled thru), and definitely low keyed ( except for my sillly postings!) Yes, the world gets smaller every day!

I Appreciate your response. Hope a few others will chime in. H^I^D could let us know about some of the good eateries in S'port, my memories of there are somewhat outdated.

OH ! Bridge City has Tequillias ( is that spelled right) that is a nice , atmosphere, place and serves pretty fair mexican food, even with a noon time buffet line. Right on Texas Ave ( the main drag).
srvfin's Avatar
OK..... got me started on the food thang now!

Steaks: Have you tried Tony's BBQ on Twin City Hwy? Best in town and good BBQ also.

Mexican: Acapulco on 69. They make these house fajita's loaded with veggies. Best broccoli you have ever eaten on your life! And the margarita's. They are close to re-opening since the fire.

Chinese: I am an addict! China Inn is the best! Don't do the sushi thang though (unless you count raw oysters).

Have some night life also with live music @ Dylan's and karaoke @ Good Times.

I've done the S'port trip 5 times in the past year with a past GF. A lot of fun. Downtown area is nice with quite a few bars to hang out in. Also, across the river in Bossier they have this cool little outdoor mall. Forget the name but they have a lot of places to shop and eat (Hooters, BWW, Saltgrass, etc) and I think a couple of nightclubs. Just don't go during the day in July or August for you will melt! All that concrete gets HOT! Fun town and you can gamble.

N E body else gonna chime in here......?
Schooner in Nederland on hwy 69. (Stuffed filet of flounder) I'm addicted to it.
La Suprema on 365 in Nederland or Cafe Del Rio I-10 & 11th St. for Mexican food.
srvfin's Avatar
Ah yes..... The Schooner. My mom's favorite place. Very good seafood also. Now that lent is here I will probably be spending the next 4-5 Friday nights there. Surprised that I am not there right now..... Went to Larry's French Market last Saturday and had the best Shrimp Po-Boy I think I have ever had. Very good.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Bella Fresca on Line Avenue in Sport.

Superior Bar and Grill is also on Line Avenue. If you drink one of their margaritas, DON"T DRIVE.
Nice to have Texarkana check in, Mac!