The Annoying Smurf - Forensics and an Idea

Theory: I am ready to make the call on Smurf - he is a fraud! Either he is someone using two (or more) Eccie IDs or he is a one ID person who is gives totally fictional accounts of his imaginative hobby adventures.

Supporting Indications: The providers he alleges to have seen cannot place him. At some of the times of his alleged encounters, the provider in question wasn't even working. Someone with his digusting personality would be hard to forget. Further, he was not at the M&G as he claims - at least as the personality he is protraying with these posts.

I have observed over the years that guys who repeatedly question others' manhood and repeatedly bang their chests about their own, down deep, wish they had one. This fits his rants to the proverbial tee.

I think he is a wannabe hobbyist without the wherewithal to actually book an appt and see it through so he gets his thrills this way.

SUGGESTION: Raina is right - he is seeking attention. He gets it with every response. He has become addicted to the cheap thrill of reading our come backs to him. So here is an idea --- let's all just ignore him. This morning, after his rants to me last night, I was angry at his posts. But now i am just amused - so amateur, so transparent, so immature, so disgusting that it kinda makes for good reading and a good laugh. But this will only last a while and then he will be just boring. We can have those laughs without giving him the pleasure of a reply. So many of us seem annoyed and offended - let's end all of this by just dismissing him as a bunch of bad noise and ignoring him. This will probably propel him to new and more desperate attempts for a while but when those don't work he will just fade away.
I'm in.
TwistedMister's Avatar
Amen, brother.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Thankfully we have good mods.. SR was on it!!! Now lets get back to some decent discussions!
Hi everyone. Obviously things were straying off course. I have addressed the issue. I think we can now breathe a sigh of relief and talk about things that are fun between men and women (my favorite topic!!!).
Thank god and its about time!
GrumpierSmurf's Avatar
Dont go celebrating too fast there....I hear my brother got the boot but I am still here. We can do this dance all day.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Seriously????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ????????????????
Not for long!

You may be correct about one thing.

Based upon conversations I've had with another provider and comments made by grumpysmurf today, I honestly believe with all my heart it is a member of this board with two handles and he was at the M&G.
GrumpierSmurf's Avatar
I aint broke no rules......I'm just keepin it real till my bro gets his ban lifted in two months Raina. Just keeping it real.......and polite.
GrumpierSmurf's Avatar
I aint got no other handles......this is my only one. O.G. Smurf
I would love to know who it is so I can block him on my phone
I think he should be named for all to know and be aware of.
Bye Bye I just talked to Gargamel
stay with it friends. let's just ignore the brother troll and all of his future incarnations. no matter how desperate he becomes, nor how convincingly he seems to be trying to be nice, just treat him like the totally irrelevent annoyance he is. in the long run we will be rid of him and in the short run he will be more of an amusement than a bother.