You can't make this shit up

I kinda hope he or Linsey boinked her....she is sorta hot.
Great golf swing and great legs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Graham didn’t boink any woman.

Maybe they were there to buy classified documents.

It's somewhat curious that not one of the die hard Trumpists here have offered a defense for her presence. Or denied that she infiltrated.
winn dixie's Avatar
old news nothing burger
2 or 3 days since discovered isn't "old". WTF was she doing there? Security risk to a past president, his family, and a sitting senator...not to mention...well you know.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wtf does this have to do with Trump? Presidents don’t personally vet guest to their events, that’s what the Secret Service is for. If someone was thinking with their dick instead of doing their job, Trump should fire them.
I agree that Secret Service and whatever private security ex-president Trump employs fell down here, but I also doubt that they were the one's thinking with their dicks. Disturbing in terms of national security though.
... Uh... How does a girl who came with a date jeoperdise
national security?? ... Eric Swalwell was not her date
- Swalwell's date was a Chinese spy.

#### Salty
... Uh... How does a girl who came with a date jeoperdise
national security?? ... Eric Swalwell was not her date
- Swalwell's date was a Chinese spy.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Swalwell’s a dirt bag Democrat. They get a pass.
biomed1's Avatar
Of Guideline # 6
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WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-31-2022, 06:53 AM
If someone was thinking with their dick instead of doing their job, Trump should fire them. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That would be hypocrisy at it's finest!