Question for anti Trump morons

oilfieldace's Avatar
What part of the Trump Economy do have problems with? What part of lower taxes don't you like? What part of a strong military don't you like? What part of borders don't you like? You have nothing to complain about.

So STFU and let the good times roll!!!
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 03:45 PM
What part of the Trump Economy do have problems with? What part of lower taxes don't you like? What part of a strong military don't you like? What part of borders don't you like? You have nothing to complain about.

So STFU and let the good times roll!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace
The economy? Well ask a harley davidson employee that is losing their job as the company moves over sees due to Trump's tarrif war.

Let's see he lowered taxes and subsequently increased spending causing our debt to increase.

Stronger military? I'm all for it. What good has it done though? Every intelligence operative from both sides of the aisle say foreign agencies hacked our elections....what effect they had is disputed but the fact the didn't get slapped down immediately is another.

With as much as we spend on the military, gotta say our ROI isn't that great.

Borders? So the wall, I don't know. Tunnels... unless we make the walls like mole traps, the money could be used in better ways to make the border more secure.

More to complain about....

He talked about Obama golfing....

You should really look at Orange's own golfing record while in office.

A fifth grader could run this country better than that dumb piece of shit.

I'm really tired of winning, really.
We love the Obama economy. Not so much the tax break for the RICH.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump is the tragedy.

But only the long term byproduct of a failed educational system and priorities that reward ignorance.

But after Bush, even those folks were able to thrive under Obama, despite the best efforts by the neocon white wing pieces of shit in Congress.

I did quite well thanks to Obama. Trump is doing his real level best to fuck it up. He won’t succeed because the people will rise up.

And soon.
I'm with you yesup. We know the intelligent men and WOMEN that have had enough of the circus will show up this time. Trump is fun to watch though. He cant fake his bad hair or his fake bullshit except to the true morons
I B Hankering's Avatar
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Trump was fun to watch but now he is sone on to destroying the us in the face of the world, it is no longer fun but scary that he have plans to join with putin maybe I don't now but he needs to be stoped soon
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor IBH. You think those are the faces of your party’s downfall?

Nope. It’s this one.

Oh memes--
I B Hankering's Avatar
These unintelligent, low-IQ anti-Trump morons have made it abundantly clear that they caucus with the dim-retards.

The complaint is why you are appropriating the previous administration's achievements and passing them off as your own.
adav8s28's Avatar
What part of the Trump Economy do have problems with? What part of lower taxes don't you like? What part of a strong military don't you like? What part of borders don't you like? You have nothing to complain about.

So STFU and let the good times roll!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace
The Trump Tax cuts for individuals are temporary. When they expire, the middle class will go back to paying the same taxes that they were paying under the Bush Tax cuts from 2000, which were continued by Obama.

The tax cuts for corporations are permanent. The tax rate percentage for corporations were lowered to 19%. These tax cuts are not paying for itself, just ask the CBO (Congressional Budget Office). Trump is printing more money then Obama did to cover the cost. When Obama left office the Federal Budget deficit was down to 580 billion. Trump now has the Federal Budget deficit back up to Trillion.

Military? We have enough nukes to blow up earth a thousand times over. Obama gave the order to get OBL. We lost one helicopter and zero people. Obama's generals set up the strategy to knock out ISIS. Five of the six largest cities were taken before Obama left office. The military does not need to be any stronger.

As for the Wall, didn't Trump say that Mexico was going to pay for it? It's not working out the way.
oilfieldace's Avatar
If you like your doctor , you can keep him? Please let's not get into who is the bigger liar. You can't win
adav8s28's Avatar
If you like your doctor , you can keep him? Please let's not get into who is the bigger liar. You can't win Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Is that all you have? The health insurance companies decide which doctors are their networks, not the Federal Government. A doctor may not be in same network from year to year.

Six months after Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, he amended that statement with the USA will build the wall and Mexico will PAY US BACK!
oilfieldace's Avatar
Nice to see you give props to Bush, that must have been hard for you. In doing so you admitted Obama had no part in helping the middle class. It was Bush and Trump that care. As you know not a single dem voted in favor ? Tsk tsk tsk