Taking "private pictures/video"

I know there are some gents out there who legitimately keep photos to themselves or block out faces, landmarks etc that could give away a providers location and identity. However, who you can trust to keep that shit private is an absolute "don't know until you know" situation.

I recently found nude pics showing my face on a site that the gent initially claimed was not his. After some detective work, I was able to show him proof that it was in fact him who posted the pics. Needless to say, I was livid!!! The pics have since been taken down and his utr account deleted.


Within the past month, three new clients have known exactly where I live based on photos taken at a session which shows a well-known landmark outside my window. Some photos from this session were posted in a review then taken down at my request but I suspect they are being shown elsewhere. If you know about these pics or have seen them, plz pm me so the person sharing them is corrected. If you are posting nude pics of me which clearly show my face or any identifying landmarks, take them down. This is the one and only warning you will get; no PMs, no emails, no calls, no text requesting you to take them down. Consider this my one and only request. Karma favors me! Don't invite bad Karma by dismissing this one and only request.

To the Ladies, DO NOT TAKE PICS, VIDEO, etc for anyone!!! You have NO IDEA what they will do with them. You never know until you know and Ifound out the hard way. Unless you really don't care who might see them someday or who might be damaged or taunted if they do get out (ie think son/brother/newphew confronted in the locker room with his mom/sister/aunt's nudie pics/videos). After meeting a popular porn star's brother at her bday party it's soooooooo obvious the guy has had his fair share of unwarranted shit to deal with - he'll never be right and he didn't ask for any of it.

To the gents who do keep them private, I'm sorry but I will never accept photos taken of me again no matter how much I trust you. Blame your crafty-shit assholes in arms who try to show "private pics" UTR without the providers consent.

That is all....sorry for the rant but this is very serious for those of us with lives to protect.

Back to fantasies, fcuking and fun!!! Whoohoo!
A "Well-known landmark"...
...I would not call the Lido Theater THAT, baby... ;-)

Have to say I'm amazed some of y'all allow pics...for some of the reasons stated above, but...to each his/her own.
A "Well-known Dallas landmark"...
...I would not call the Lido Theater THAT, baby... ;-)

Have to say I'm amazed some of y'all allow pics...for some of the reasons stated above, but...to each his/her own. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Hardee har har old man.
TinMan's Avatar
I certainly enjoy the pics guys post in their reviews, but when I'm asked my opinion on the matter by a lady considering showing her face, I always advise against it. Yes, it will cost you business, but stories like this are ample illustrations of why it's just not worth the risk for most women.

Sorry this happened to you. I hope you're able to quash all the offending photos that are out there.
I have been asked for this several times but have always said NO.

However it does seem to be a new trend in the review forum.

I have personal reasons I don't want my face or body plastered in a review.

1. I have a family SO , kids , parents all of that
2. I have a REAL JOB
3. This is not my career, however it did totally pay for my schooling
NNNNOOOOOOO!!!! I have never agreed and will never agree to my pictures being taken by clients. No way!!! Too much risk. I like to take risk sometimes but I prefer to do it elsewhere.
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I agree with Samantha no way!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
There's always a fucking bastard around to fuck it up for everybody.

Thanks a lot, asshole!
THN, who's knee caps need busting?
Hercules's Avatar
Unless BOTH parties are willing to be public about this business then whoever has the camera should put it away.
OldGrump's Avatar
Facial blurring can be undone in PhotoShop unless the layers are merged. Deleted photos can be recovered.

NOTHING is private.

Put a sack on your head before the camera comes out if you are foolish enough to allow it in the first place. Unless YOU WANT your pictures posted - cuz' they're going to be out there like it or not.

After all, this hobby is illegal. Can you trust a criminal?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Facial blurring can be undone in PhotoShop unless the layers are merged. Deleted photos can be recovered.

NOTHING is private.

Put a sack on your head before the camera comes out if you are foolish enough to allow it in the first place. Unless YOU WANT your pictures posted - cuz' they're going to be out there like it or not.

After all, this hobby is illegal. Can you trust a criminal? Originally Posted by OldGrump
I don't think you can save a jpg file without merging layers. So avoiding gif would be good.

Very few things here are as controversial as photography. In a related incident though more minor, I once gave proofs to a provider before editing. Low and behold an image shows up in her showcase with the corner of a picture I have on the wall in it.

If your interest is in the photography and not snap shots of an encounter, the hobby can be a frustrating place. Once a lady retires or otherwise goes UTR to any extent you can no longer display the photos you enjoy showing off.

Nothing's perfect. But the points made are well made, if privacy is paramount follow the advice of Russell Crowe:
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Personally, I never take naked photos of ladies I see. I don't want ever to be even remotely guilty for the girl one day be outed in the real world. The only way a lady can be sure that this will never happen is to not allow compromising pictures.

Even if the guy has all the intentions to keep it private, what if the guy is caught by an angry SO? what if he's hacked? His phone/laptop stolen?

Once the photo is snapped, it's out of everyone's control. And don't tell me you keep everything in an encrypted thumbdrive. That's the easiest thing in the world to crack.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
nurse, i saw complete pictures of you, yes nude and face on one of you first reviews. dont recall who the guy was but it was an unlocked photo bucket account. just fyi....lock your tiny pic or photo bucket accounts.
This is absolutely one of the stupidest things a provider can allow. But, it's their life.

I do know some well known hobbiest pressure the providers for pics, promising a positive threAD review in exchange for pics. That sucks.

Recently there was one provider who has talked about how she's using the hobby to go through school, advance her education and plans to become a corporate executive. A threAD review popped up with pics of her including her face. Very good chance those could come back to haunt her in the future.

The internet is a busy street with a lot of traffic. Search engines can do incredible things these days....