how does one go about searching for a provider nowadays

really struggling to find the right provider for me. any advice? should I be looking on a different site. has somsone finally made a nice app for this? There used to be a great search capability on eccie to filter down ladies but now I'm a bit at a lost on what's best.
winn dixie's Avatar
Go to tha club and holla---

who dee who ! Wait

If no hos Go to nexx club and repeat!
It’s hard these days to find the right one. I don’t have the $300 budget for what is now Hhr. Where $160 was the standard a couple of years ago, it’s shot up to $200, $250 and now $300 for anything of quality. (Now that’s a funny word in the hobby. What is quality?). What I’m saying is that the rates today keep me from trying to find a good one. When rates were low, I could take the hit at $160 but at the rates today, I can’t justify it. Services seem to get worse and worse.

OH2 has the same old same old. I’ve seen a few guys post on girls from Adult Search. List crawler is iffy.

It’s just difficult these days.

Good luck
DallasRain's Avatar
there ARE still some gals here who offer quality fun at lower
Be there soon!

good luck boys and get ya some fun
Precious_b's Avatar
Passion2015's Avatar
I have to agree with golfer,

The good ole days of a quality session for a reasonable price has vanished for the most part.

I don’t mind it so much because it keeps from falling into situations of I could of spent my money more wisely type of situations.

I can’t blame the providers for what these new hobbyist are paying nowadays. The providers are just taking advantage of the situation.

Anyways, no matter where you find a provider it’s a crap shoot nowadays. Your either going to be satisfied of what you spent or dissatisfied of what you encountered and spent.

I for one will not spend what these providers are asking nowadays and just stick with regulars where I know what I’m going to get and don’t have to kick myself in the butt for spending way too much for a lousy session.

Until prices go down where they support the quality of the session, I don’t venture out.

Just my 2 cents
winn dixie's Avatar
A lot of these hoes have actually gotten RW part time of course jobs. For some a steady pay check and a simp here and there is all they need! Then most all of em have that one guy theyre bare backing for that rent money. Prices aint coming down.