Watch Out for MotorCycles - Fuck That!!

I know, I know - Redwing is getting surly and curmudgeonly in his posts as of recent. Well, it's true and I've reached the age where I'm allowed to be....

Now, as for my topic - it's that time of year again where all the "Watch Out For Motorcycles" signs and bumper stickers start showing up. Well you know what - fuck that, those assholes better be watching out for me!!

I know that there are many many safe, courteous, and responsible motorcyclist out there - I would guess some of them are members here. But my perception is that the large majority of motorcyclist are morons driving around our streets and highways at exceptionally high rates of speed, weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, doing stunts like wheelies and standing on their seats going down the highway.

Well, to the assholes I have referenced above I say, I am not going to watch out for you - you need to watch out for me - because if we crash, I'm going to win; you and your bike are no match for my 7000 pound SUV traveling at 65 mph. And, if you are one of those mental midgets driving down the highway standing on the seat of your bike, I am just going to fucking laugh at you when I see your lifeless body spread across the highway in pieces a few miles down the road because you decided to fuck with a tractor trailer or large SUV (by the way, your families can cry all they want about "what a good person" you were - I don't care).

Jeez, I really am getting grumpy in my old age....
lilylivered's Avatar
Man, something got you all riled up lol
totally agree always hated motorcyclists and most people in general on the road

bought 2 last year with the money i used to spend on whores

personal responsibility should always be foremost
Gdubya110's Avatar
… also known to medical professionals as “donor cycles”…

… also known to medical professionals as “donor cycles”…

Originally Posted by Gdubya110
unless your visiting new guinea during the war anff

rent one then crash and

some cannibals come along
elghund's Avatar
unless your visiting new guinea during the war anff

rent one then crash and

some cannibals come along Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Then the donor cycle becomes a food cart……..

ben dover's Avatar
I rode for years, many many years ago. Had to lay one down to avoid an old lady turning RIGHT in front of me. Picked it up, fixed it, rode it one more time and sold it. I wouldn't be on a scoot these days for any reason. No one driving is paying attention, phones, in dash internet, drunk and or stoned folks all around.
winn dixie's Avatar
Then the donor cycle becomes a food cart……..

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Lol and a like!
winn dixie's Avatar
I haul different types of trailers behind my dodge a lot.
I love to get them folk on/in any type of vehicle that stay right there in the blind spot or in a bad spot. I see em there and give the steering wheel just a lil jersey. Not much.. just enough to get the trailers back bumper to Bob a lil. It's amazing how fast they give me more room
Something definitely got ole redwing riled up lol

Years ago when I lived in Houston, I’m heading home from work on I-45 north, one of these motorcycle fucks was weaving in and out of traffic, going at a high rate of speed for the situation. Fast forward to me getting off my exit and there he is spattered all over the road after colliding with a cement truck. Blood everywhere. I felt bad…but also thought wtf were you thinking asshole?!?

I was in my truck, but was also a rider at the time. Harley Davidson was my bike of choice. Don’t ride anymore tho…west TX with all the crazy shit going on, on the roads and the sand makes it a double whammy for bike riders.
so what i know of a couple that were riding backpack in the right lane down the highway minding their business and got mowed down by a corvette going 140 its dangerous out there period
Something definitely got ole redwing riled up lol

Years ago when I lived in Houston, I’m heading home from work on I-45 north, one of these motorcycle fucks was weaving in and out of traffic, going at a high rate of speed for the situation. Fast forward to me getting off my exit and there he is spattered all over the road after colliding with a cement truck. Blood everywhere. I felt bad…but also thought wtf were you thinking asshole?!?

I was in my truck, but was also a rider at the time. Harley Davidson was my bike of choice. Don’t ride anymore tho…west TX with all the crazy shit going on, on the roads and the sand makes it a double whammy for bike riders. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

sounds like a gixerbrah wannabe
I hope William Mattar isn't a member of this board!
To Ben and JBalls points, it is true - everyone is acting like an asshole on the roads these days....scary thing is, just seems to be getting worse all the time....
To Ben and JBalls points, it is true - everyone is acting like an asshole on the roads these days....scary thing is, just seems to be getting worse all the time.... Originally Posted by redwing_centerfield
its just reaping what has sewn with the "everyone gets a troghy " generation parttly

probably some overly self importance people thinking signs are going to actually change someones driving habits

its just not realistic and no one should think of trying to exert that type of control .. it s akin to a hooker getting claims of barebacking in a review then

a buncha self important thinking blowhards chiming in thinkiing its making any diferance as guys will be guys and act like guys on a hooker board especially , idiotic cause people dont remember any of it 15 minutes later unless your a self absessed a hole