Noam Chomsky "Imminent Crisis"

For those interested, this is an excellent video. Watch when you have time, as it's about one hour. Prof. Chomsky has a channel on Youtube with all of his speeches and videos too.
That's all you have to say? Too much whiskey tonight to drown out the trauma you experienced during wartime? I need to look at your posts in order to properly analyze you. I have no doubt, you are in denial. About the world, about yourself, and society as a whole.

Believe me, you are not the only one. It wasn't until Medicaid was expanded that The American Psycvhiatrist Association realized the impact of trauma on children and war veterans, as well as victims of rape. I know now that my Mother was in denial about her own childhood. I have learned a lot through therapy and having support. I would never have had that without Medicaid expansion. It's a good cause and we need to address how humanity has been invalidated and pressured to succumb to the "elites".