How bout them... 49ers?

Nice to see captain comeback molding Alex Smith into something. And Vernon Davis, christ that guy is a beast.

Everyone knew the pack had no D, not sure how the Giants will fair against the 49ers with some confidence and now a playoff win under their belt. My fellow 49er fans better show up for this game. It has been too long since Candlestick hosted a meaningful game.

I know this is Cowboy country, but who do you hate worse? NFC East hatred or "the catch" hatred?
Mopar71's Avatar
Glad to see the pukers did the discount double choke and REALLY glad the teBLOW crap came to an end.
daty/o's Avatar
I wasn't for the Giants, I was just against Green Bay. Now that they're out, I would love to see the 9ers take it all. Gotta go with the West coast teams when Dallas has no chance.
Glad for the 49ers, as they haven't had much to cheer about in a while.

But Jim Harbaugh is now two for two in taking someone else's players and winning with them. That was great for Stanford (who will likely go back to their usual 2-10 ways in the next couple of years), but that isn't going to fly for long in the NFL.

And for the New York Giants, it's amazing what a difference a healthy Amukamara makes to their secondary.
at least we dont have to watch The Steelers, Chargers, Cowboys, and Saints anymore this year. Now I only want to see New England loose, not a Baltimore fan either but cant stand New England.
Some of those others are painful to watch, but the Saints? You don't like watching points scored? They took offense to another level. I thought it was quite amazing to watch.