One Thing Right Now That Would Make You Content?

If you could have any one thing right now that would bring you pleasure, what would it be?

It has to be an immediate, sensory pleasure (a sound, taste, smell, touch or vision), so not a million dollars or a Bentley—unless maybe rolling around in dollars would bring you ultimate physical pleasure?

Be specific!
texas' finest ladies sent up to wny [western new york] for a month to serve at my beck and call and fufill all my sexual plesures 1,2,3 girls at a time [if not the million bucks would be ok too]
i want to...quietly get out of bed so as not to wake the woman...yes THE woman...and put on my jeans and boots and flannel shirt and get gloves...go into the kitchen and start her coffee ..and before the sun is outside digging in her out the beds...and then she gets up..and smells the coffee..and she walks out onto the porch..and sees me..and im dirty with dirt on my knee and a smudge across my cheek..and she sits on the porch in her night clothes and sips her coffee..and watches me..and im only paying attention to my work....and the sun is just coming up..and the birds are flitting and its cool ...and finally i acknowledge her presence even though i felt it all along..and i look at her and she motions me to come sit beside her
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Natalie, your posting began while I was sleeping. So I was quite content. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a sensual sexual lady laying beside me. She would be awake and enjoy giving me tender touches and kisses as I slept. She slowly moves to my manhhod, enjoying the pleasure she's recieving as much I enjoy it. As her activity continues, I awaken and she finishes me off with her sweet, moist mouth.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'm 160 yards out on a par 3. The pin is back left. The tee box is slightly elevated to the green. There is a small valley with a creek meandering across the fairway. There is a slight breeze to my back. I pull out my 7 iron and approach the ball. One nice easy practice swing. Then I address the ball. The contact is made with a sweet click. The ball takes off a bit right of the green soaring high in the air. A slight draw brings it back towards the middle of the green. The ball hits mid front on the green, checks up just a bit, and bounces towards the back left. Two more bounces before it settles on a line right for the pin. Rolling and rolling until it just barely reaches the cup and falls in the hole.

Yep, that would be a good day!!

Unfortunately, I'd probably blade the MOFO into the creek.
discreetgent's Avatar
Gentleman there can only be one answer to such a question:

Natalie naked with me in bed.
For the most part, I love my life, and am content with it. The one thing that would make more perfect is if my SO provided the services normally associated with hobbying.
I too am pretty content but I would love a guilt-free Belgian waffle.
DallasRain's Avatar
petiteassman--you always have a great answer babe!!!

I would want a huge banana split with the works{I have 5 more lbs to loose so that is not gonna}
runswithscissors's Avatar
In about five hours from now, after three weeks of travel, six countries, 13 and 14 hour days, the view of Austin, TX , my hometown, out the window of my plane bringing me home again....The sight alone is enough of a sensory jolt for me.......
Then again; sitting in my recliner this evening waiting for a pre-booked appointment, a nice Havana cigar and a 35 year old single malt and the anticipation of the doorbell will be my next most pleasurable moment.......
Gentleman there can only be one answer to such a question:

Natalie naked with me in bed. Originally Posted by discreetgent

looking at her profile in that avatar is quite pleasurable in its own way
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-07-2010, 11:19 AM
Downhill, slight breeze to your back, 160 yards out.....and you are hitting a seven iron!????

Rudyard K's Avatar
Downhill, slight breeze to your back, 160 yards out.....and you are hitting a seven iron!????

Originally Posted by WTF
Yep, and can't drive more than 240 or 250 either. It's hell to get old.
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 05-07-2010, 12:02 PM
The scent of the perfume worn by the girl that I let get away far too long ago. Then I would be content.
Wwanderer's Avatar
"At this moment what more need we seek?
As the Truth eternally reveals itself,
This very place is the Lotus Land of Purity,
This very body is the Body of the Buddha."
- Zazen Wasan

Or, failing that, the first kiss of a new lover or the next kiss of
a familiar partner would surely do the trick for me.

Or the "mat play" part of a "full course" soapland experience.

