$5000 dash!

Did anyone see this, it was on the 5:00 am news this morning on channel 8.

There was this couple, Michael Lester Boswel, and Elisabeth Ann Stewart, who had gone to a strip club (Men's Club in Dallas), and racked up a $5000 debt. They had ordered 4 bottles of champaign, and $3000 worth of "dances". When they went to put it on their credit card, it was denied. The ran out of the club. The police later caught up with them and they spent the night in jail.

$3000 in dances?

What a way to bring in the new year!
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Then they tried to run out.....hilarious
As I said in another thread, and not to in any way excuse these two, but I gotta wonder what the h*ll that/those dancers were thinking? I have / had friends who were entertainers, and even with them it was cash on the barrel head, at least every few dances. Mindy used the excuse (not with me, me she'd just say "let's settle up now, and shall I go on?") that she had to go pee after three dances, and could she have her money before she left?

And as to the bar tab, why wasn't the card run up front for authorization and then regularly reauthorized as the previous limit was reached? I haven't clubbed in while, but the last time we went out, it was for what we call "the little play," which means just a few drinks and maybe a couple of dances. But they know me at that club < g > and just assumed I was there for a blowout, so ran it through for a grand (the budget that night was more like $200.) Was a pain in the ass because with that hold, I had to scramble to get the car payment made...
I saw it on the news and couldn't help but laugh thinking about them trying to run out.

They knew exactly what they were doing.