Boring Boring Time to stir it up a bit

Its getting so boring here. Same old treads, yada, yada, yada,

So lets talk about something dear and near to all our groins, err hearts

Found an intersting article

Vagina Types: Knowing Her Anatomy To Give Her Explosive, Heavenly Orgasms More Easily

When we are younger, before we have our first experiences of sex, most men have a distorted view of what the female genitals look like. The first images of nudity that I saw were thanks to a science book given to me by my well-meaning mother (As you can imagine that didn't help me at all!). Still I was lucky, most guys I speak to learned about anatomy from the idealized, airbrushed images found in pornography.

Both these experiences can lead to men having an inaccurate image of what female genitals look like. Often when they see a real woman naked, everything looks so different it is hard to know where to begin! In reality the smooth, perfect flesh of these images is rare and most women's erogenous zones come in a variety of shapes and sizes. To celebrate this diversity, this article covers all the difference vagina types, clitoris varieties and labia shapes, and what they mean for you and for her.
What Do The Different Vagina Tyoes Mean for Guys Anyway?
The big reason why guys should care about this is that the physical differences can result in big differences to how easily she orgasms. Therefore knowing all about her body makes it a lot easier to sexually satisfy her and we all want that!

Similarly much as guys go through that phase where they constantly wonder whether their penis is big enough, I was amazed to find out that many women go through a similar phase! Like guys they are often exposed to images of airbrushed perfection and start to worry about whether their body is ugly. It is actually a lot more common than many guys think and this can lead to hang-ups about getting naked and oral sex.

What Physical Differences Do Most Vaginas Have?

The biggest difference in terms of sexually satisfying a woman is in their clitoris' exposure. The visible part of the clitoris (Sometimes called the glans) is actually only a small part of the entire erogenous zone. The amount that is uncovered can vary from a little to a lot. As a general rule, the more that is exposed, the easier it will be to give her an orgasm. On the other hand an exposed clitoris requires more careful touching and a lot more lubrication during foreplay.

Some women have a clitoris that is almosty entirely hidden by the triangle of flesh above it (Known as the clitoral hood). This means that open legged positions will be better for her to give her more stimulation. Or you could switch to the G-spot which is inside her body and tends to be easy to find in most women.

For women that have a real problem orgasming because of a concealed clitoris, you may want to suggest that she invests in a clitoral pump. This device draws blood to the clitoris and helps to elongate it, pulling it out from under the hood.

Another big source of difference are the inner labia. These are the inner parts that give her genitals that flower-shaped look that has spawned centuries of dire poetry! If her labia are bigger than average you will have to be careful as pushing them inside will be really painful for her.
Finally the coloration can vary a lot between women. Women can have darker or lighter-colored vaginas than the rest of their skin. This is completely normal, but many women can experience some uncomfortableness about it.

Psychological Differences in Vagina Types

I have asked around and been amazed by how many women did not like their vulvas. It seems that a lot of women genuinely view their genitals as being ugly. It is a good idea to tell her how beautfiul every part of her body is, especially during oral sex!

It is your job to make sure that she feels happy with her body during sex. A woman who knows that you find her attractive will be a lot more satisfied sexually. Convincing her that you find all of her body a turn-on will make you a lot closer to having great sex.

Thanks Bubba
Is this another thread useless without pics, or...?

Hay, I cannot do all the work!!!! Just keep in mind the board rules about acceptiable photos.

Maybe some hand drawn "etchings"?

And if there is enough interest, I would be willing to personaly examine all the providers and develop a database of each ones vagina, how its constructed, and what is needed to insure maximum pleasure for each one

But only because I truly care about all of you!
Happy Vajajay!
LOL im a tard! so sorry! LOL

Well I thought it was funny!!!!!

Happy Vajajay! Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Iaintliein's Avatar
Education is a wonderful thing. A female classmate of mine once pointed to a structure on a cadaver dissected sagittally and asked what it was, she turned an embarrassed red when I told her it was a clitoris.
pmdelites's Avatar
LOL im a tard! so sorry! LOL Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
ms italiana princess, please do NOT, repeat, do NOT ever apologize for being such a creative and wonderful artist!!! and with such beautifully manicured and polished fingernails!!! talk about hot Hot HOT!!!!

now, i'm not sure if you meant "retard" when you wrote "tard" or meant near or geek, but again, pls dont say you're sorry for that. maybe just use an appropriate word, for retarded you are not.

i, like lisa.lisa, thought it not only funny, but cute, well drawn, and sexy!!!

p.s. looking forward to 1/20!!
I.P. You are so awesome!

Miss_Mya's Avatar
Maybe we can all do those "clone a vaginas" and post pictures of those? Would that be in violation of the rules since it wouldn't be a picture but more like a work of art?
pyramider's Avatar
The G spot is a myth.
The G spot is a myth. Originally Posted by pyramider
Really? Hmm, your not seeing the right women!!
You're right, pyramider!
  • nsi
  • 01-10-2011, 07:20 PM
Howard Stern once had Jenna Jameson's father on his show, and showed him a "lineup" of va-jayjays, and asked him to pick out his daughter's. He got it on the first try.

I think it was an inspired gimmick by HS, but don't know what to think about dad's ability to spot JJ's goodies.