Promised a Provider Okay, but It Didn't Come

oglfp12's Avatar
Lana Warren's question about references made me think about a similar question. I only see providers who are on P411. I have had a couple of providers that, it seemed to me, we had really great first sessions. In both cases I asked if they would provide okays, and they both said yes. I went home and asked for okays through P411, but they never came. Should I take a message from that?
Unless you did something terrible, we have to provide an okay when requested. If you behaved and paid in full, they are required to okay you. That's the whole point of the site.

Let Gina know.
Perhaps they are waiting for your review?
OG, I sometimes don't get the OKs for several days. One, I think, was over a week. Try requesting a second time; they just may have been too busy and forgot.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I would ask for it again. I know that I forget to give okays. Real life and 2 kids can really get a horny chick distracted and forget to show the love with the "okays"

Keep trying...
Here's how it works on P411. You contact the provider either by email/PM/text/phone/P411 OK request form -- most preferably P411 OK form- and ask for an OK. Wait for about 3 days and if still no OK - contact her again and send the request again. Wait another 2 or 3 days.

If even after the 2nd request you still dont get an OK - contact Gina of P411 through chat and she will fix it for you. Once you contact Gina - it is really fast. I once had a similar issue - asked the provider twice for an OK - did not get it - contacted Gina and within a day I got the OK !!
I would send the request again. I know that sometimes i get too many emails and it gets pushed down and I dont see it. But either way they will get an okay from me that day of seeing me. I know that a okay is important for them so I want to help them .
CenterLock's Avatar
I would ask for it again. I know that I forget to give okays. Real life and 2 kids can really get a horny chick distracted and forget to show the love with the "okays"

Keep trying... Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Odd. All I read out of this was "I would ask for Real life horny chick and show the love"... Oh, wait - Kaylee... yeah. That sounds about right.

I've been lucky with the "Okay" thing I guess. While I was only on P411 I never asked and never received any. Seemed like "yet another hoop" for both sides. If a lady wanted to screen the piss out of me another way I was cool with that.

Since I've gotten on here, I've not only received Okays within 24 hrs, I've also gotten one Okay before I remembered to request it. [Didn't know that was even possible, but it's there so I guess it is] I'd be more likely to contact the provider than Gina about it tho'... Not that I don't think Gina'd do anything (quite the contrary - from what I've seen / heard she takes it VERY seriously for both sides), but because I completely understand Kaylee's point. It's all real life down here somewhere.
Lana Warren's Avatar
9 times out of 10, I will give my P411 okay within a couple of hours of our date! I look at it this way.....he spent the time choosing and coming to see me, the least I can do is give him the common courtesy of giving him an okay in a timely manner! There's only been one gentleman that had to remind me to update his okay and that's because he's a good friend that I see every couple of months!
GDLMAN's Avatar
I usually get ok's without asking. I think P411 gives some kind of "credit" to ladies that have ok's.
oglfp12's Avatar
Thanks, everyone. I'll ask again. I know I was a perfect gentleman during the visit, and I wrote very positive reviews. I just got to wondering if maybe I was just too old or unattractive for them.
I usually give them an ok that same day cause its helping them out and I will send an reply thank u for letting me come over and for a good time.......also Oglfp12 it may have went to their spam so u may need to resend it or email or call them or pm them asking if they will.....
Sleepy363's Avatar
I had the same thing happen a while back from Sabrina Nicole.

I had a session with her. Shortly after the session, I sent her a request for an OK. She never responded. I waited for a while and then sent her another request for the OK. She said she didn't remember me, that I shouldn't have waited so long to send a request for an ok, and that I should come see her again, then she would give an ok.. I didn't think it was appropriate to have to have another appointment just to get a p411 ok when I should have gotten one the first time.

I sent Gina an email and she emailed Sabrina to let her know that I had in fact sent the request for the p411 ok shortly after the session but got no response. She still gave me the run around. Gina sent her another email verifying again that I had wrote a good review for her and sent the request for the ok. She then said she would give me a p411 ok, but never did.

Eventually I just gave up. I figured that I wouldn't want someone so unreliable and unprofessional listed as a p411 ok of mine in my list.

That would be my advice. Just enjoy some time with other ladies who are professional about their business. They will give you an OK.
I had the same thing happen a while back from Sabrina Nicole.

I had a session with her. Shortly after the session, I sent her a request for an OK. She never responded. I waited for a while and then sent her another request for the OK. She said she didn't remember me, that I shouldn't have waited so long to send a request for an ok, and that I should come see her again, then she would give an ok.. I didn't think it was appropriate to have to have another appointment just to get a p411 ok when I should have gotten one the first time.

I sent Gina an email and she emailed Sabrina to let her know that I had in fact sent the request for the p411 ok shortly after the session but got no response. She still gave me the run around. Gina sent her another email verifying again that I had wrote a good review for her and sent the request for the ok. She then said she would give me a p411 ok, but never did.

Eventually I just gave up. I figured that I wouldn't want someone so unreliable and unprofessional listed as a p411 ok of mine in my list.

That would be my advice. Just enjoy some time with other ladies who are professional about their business. They will give you an OK. Originally Posted by still-asleep
Boy - any provider who gives the runaround to give an OK or doesnt respond to OK request is forever off my radar along with a request to Gina regarding it.
  • npita
  • 01-11-2011, 02:30 AM
I went home and asked for okays through P411, but they never came. Should I take a message from that? Originally Posted by oglfp12
I once asked a provider for an ok andshe sent me an email asking if that meant I wasn't going to see her again. I said that was the case and I explained why, after which she asked me for $$ for the ok. I just sent an email to Gina who thanked me and explained that although she doesn't resolve such disputes, she keeps notes to see if there are patterns of behaviour that seem to follow certain hobbyists and providers. Just send Gina an email and give her a brief explanation with the providers' p411 usernames. I imagine that if those providers do that to enough other hobbyists who also report they weren't given oks after being told they would receive them, Gina would deal with them.