O.T.C Male enhancement drugs

landman's Avatar
Anybody had any luck with this?

Please advise of the best ones. Dont want to ask the family doc for the V.

Thought that I would experiment with OTC first
The OTC products are all frauds. Every one of them.

And ladies, the supplements that claim to enlarge your breasts. Also frauds. Every one of them.
Many of the OTC products have been recalled in the last few months by the FDA. Seems they worked because they had a controled drug very similiar to viagra in many of them. And, they did not list it which could be very bad for people on some drugs.

Many have been reformulated without the controlled drug in them but I would not expect they work now.

Also, remember there are NO legit generics for any of the ED meds. Any you might get from overseas are either fake or pirated knockoffs. Who knows what may be in them.
oglfp12's Avatar
ED is a medical condition that should be treated by a real doctor, not by someone who plays a doctor on TV. So, talk to your doctor. Don't risk your overall health by "experimenting" with these OTC or mail order things.
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 01-11-2011, 08:02 AM
This looks like a good write up...basically the blue pill patent is currently good until June 2012 in the US. Hoping not to need it until well after that date. We can expect to see real competition after the patent expires. That doesn't mean that it will be available OTC though. The best course is to talk to your doc if this is a current need.

Hardallnight's Avatar
Try losing weight if needed, drink only in moderation, don't smoke, excercise, give the boys room and keep them cool.
I read with horror the accounts of men that took something called "yohimbe." Some sort of herb that creates a hardon (wow, isn't THAT a new kind of product!). Apparently it can sometimes cause an erection that won't go away and the men end up in the ER having a long, large gauge needle inserted into their penis to have the blood drained off. Perhaps if was insured of getting some hot pussy/ass sex from Angelina Jolie plus another 100 hotties I MIGHT endure a large gauge needle in my weenie...but......
Don't fuck around with the OTC. Go to your doctor and get some V or C.