When an Offer to Make Good Isn't

The Proper Stranger's Avatar
What's the best way to handle things when a make-up session never materializes?

So you've had a bad apointment. She was off answering the phone every 5 minutes, kept you waiting forever and wasn't ready, had you out the door halfway through your scheduled time, or didn't warn you it was that time of the month until you were already getting started, etc. Basically something worth a bad review and crossing her off the list, but not bad enough to warrant an alert.

She offers you a make-up session you can't refuse, a freebie. But any time you try to take her up on it, there's some reason why she can't. How many chances or what time frame is reasonable? How long after the fact is it reasonable, useful, or worth the hassle to post about it? Or just write the bad review in the first place and don't take the offer?

This post is inspired by one such (non?)offer, but isn't about it. It's intended as a more general question about how to do things if this comes up in the future. For the record, I let myself get strung along for way too long, and have decided it's not worth posting specifics or naming the provider in question, so please don't ask. Guess it made for an effective way to avoid bad press without having to do anything, at least in my case.
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Let it go. Chalk it up to a learning experience.

You'll either be remembered as a whiner or someone who carries a grudge. Just cross her off the list and find another.
So ... let me get this straight. You saw a provider and had a lousy session, and for whatever reason, she was aware of it and knew you were going to give her a bad review. She promises to give you a make-up session (theoretically, so that you will have a better session and either post a positive review or at least not post a negative one), but strings you along, and doesn't follow through with the promise ...

So now ... she is both a lousy provider and either a con-artist or outright liar. IMHO, this is the exact reason we have forums such as this. This is the type of information that your fellow hobbyists need to avoid making the same mistake that you did.

But because she strung you along for so long ... you don't think its worth mentioning her name? REALLY???

She just "won" ... and your fellow hobbyists just "lost".

Thanks ... for nothing
I posted a review of getting stood up last summer. Received a PM a few weeks later from provider who offered 50% off next appt but I never responded.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
ftworthmale, opinions obiously differ, just check the reply right before yours. Yep, she "won" in this case. But how much good would year old info do? Similar year old info didn't keep me away at the time since there were plenty of recent reviews indicating a reform. (To be fair, most of the midde few months of that time's on me, dealing with real life issues, and unable to hobby. The offer was reaffirmed a few months ago.)

Call me a coward if you'd like, but I'm all stocked up on drama in my real life. I don't want the inevitable shitstorm that would definitely follow.
it's amazing the drama and shitstorms we put up with to get some nookie...and pay for it as well. Makes ya wonder.
TheBizzer's Avatar
I've been offered make up sessions before, but never taken them up on it, as I want the girl to be happy about what she's doing and not feel like she's taking her licks, so to speak. I think if they give you a shitty session, than by all means writerhe review. If she offers to make it up, mention that in your review. Everybody has bad days, and I don't think one review will hurt a girl's business that much. But if she's able to keep guys from writing them by empty promises of make up sessions, than nobody else ever sees the pattern.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-11-2011, 12:38 PM
Dammit! I thought I could get away with this by leaving the country and acting like it never happened.... what was I thinking! Maybe I should have thrown in a name change for good measure.

Seriously... not me, but I can't believe you put up with that shitty ass treatment from the get go. I would have had no patience for it and walked out the moment she picked up her phone the first time.

Sorry you went through that, and that ANYONE would treat you that way.

A year later is a bit long for any review/alert of a situation.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
That's what happens when most of your blood finds it's way to the little head, The big head can't think straight.

If it has been longer than 30 days forget it for sure,
less than 30 days that's up to the individual.
So ... let me get this straight. You saw a provider and had a lousy session, and for whatever reason, she was aware of it and knew you were going to give her a bad review. She promises to give you a make-up session (theoretically, so that you will have a better session and either post a positive review or at least not post a negative one), but strings you along, and doesn't follow through with the promise ...

So now ... she is both a lousy provider and either a con-artist or outright liar. IMHO, this is the exact reason we have forums such as this. This is the type of information that your fellow hobbyists need to avoid making the same mistake that you did.

But because she strung you along for so long ... you don't think its worth mentioning her name? REALLY???

She just "won" ... and your fellow hobbyists just "lost".

Thanks ... for nothing Originally Posted by ftworthmale
This was the best advice on this subject...well said.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Seriously... not me, but I can't believe you put up with that shitty ass treatment from the get go. I would have had no patience for it and walked out the moment she picked up her phone the first time.

Sorry you went through that, and that ANYONE would treat you that way.

A year later is a bit long for any review/alert of a situation. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
That didn't all happen... at least not in one sitting. Each has happened to me at least once over te years, though. Only 1 in this case, just wanted to give some examples of what I was meaning by "bad session".

And the time frame is why I'm not tossing a name out there. I definitely plan on writing a review if something similar happens in the future, but was wanting advice about how forgiving to be or how long to be forgiving before jumping to post the negative info. I don't want to be too quick to bash someone truly remorseful who just had an off day, but don't want to leave things too long again.
Put a bad review on her.