Does a free session ever become invaled after time?

I have had great experiences with the ladys of this forum but over the years there have been a hick-up or two and have either been promised a free session or a two for one on the next visit. Now granted these offers are now a few months old but I do have the private IM to prove what they said. What say you? Is there an experation date?
CenterLock's Avatar
Eh. It's probably expired. But for a mere $$$ I'm sure you could renew it for another year.

Ask her. Worst she could do is laugh at you, right? ..... Right?
it depends on who issued it, some are valid for years and some are invalid about 3 seconds after issue.
LOL! I had a gentleman donate some toys to my Christmas Toy Drive a few years ago. He called me for an appointment about a year and a half after to make an appointment with his "discount". I honored it just because.

I always say 'they can't kill you for asking'. Of course they CAN say ugly things so my advice would just be to have thick skin...

It usually expires five minutes after she makes the offer.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I would love to have a free time offered ....maybe like frequent flyer miles ..just think how good that would make a Regular feel if he thought that the provider enjoyed him enough to say ."Hey why dont you stop by for a while no charge to you I would just like to see YOU ....How would that make any of the hobbiest I know feel...I know that I would keep returning on a regular basis ..I was offerred a discount at one time by a provider but when I asked about it ....her reply ....was I dont remember saying that ...I have not returned either .......T
Lana Warren's Avatar
In my opinion, the answer is no! If she offered you a free session for what ever reason, she should keep her word! I have a very nice gentleman that I barter with from time to time on car repairs and he's been pretty busy here lately to come collect his reward, but he knows the offer is always open! I'm a woman of my word!
I have been offering a repeat customer incentive for some time...only one person has seen me enough to get a free session, and I made good on my offer without giving an expiration date...I don't see the need for one. But that's just me. I am realizing I don't do things the way most women do here.
It became invalid the moment she said free.
dodger's Avatar
It became invalid the moment she said free. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Maybe just before that.
In my opinion, the answer is no! If she offered you a free session for what ever reason, she should keep her word! I have a very nice gentleman that I barter with from time to time on car repairs and he's been pretty busy here lately to come collect his reward, but he knows the offer is always open! I'm a woman of my word! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
I know I need to come see you. I hope that when the weather gets better I will get some free time. Guys if you have not met Lana you need to. Not just because she will keep her word but because she is one of the nicest down to earth people I have ever met.
Also every time she comes in the shop with a mini skirt on I cant see to think straight for the rest of the day.
LovingKayla's Avatar
For those that are professionals, I'd say they are valid without question for 1 year. You Might want to clarify that with her when she offers it.
maxim_232's Avatar
It expires after the 3rd NSNC you get after trying to actually schedule it.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Based on my experience, it's good exactly as long as she has excuses for not seeing you when you try to take her up on the offer.

But seriously, it depends on the lady in question. There's probably at least twice as many answers as there are providers. Some will never make the offer, some will honor it forever, still others are lying from the get go, and every other possibility in between.
elgato111's Avatar
Free? Maybe from someone you have been seeing for a long time, but not someone who is hit and miss.

The old saying "nothing is free" is correct.