Am I The Only One Who Giggled At This Ad Title?

I'm guessing it's an obtuse angle, 'cause it sure ain't right! ;-)

I apologize for this unnecessary interruption. Now, back to your regularly scheduled hobbying.
Gets better, her next most recent ad states "My Oases a waits you!!"

Guess she's stating that she's into computer code for modeling seismo-acoustic propagation in horizontally stratified waveguides using wavenumber integration in combination with the Direct Global Matrix solution technique, but only if *you* push the Enter key?
Rockhard6911's Avatar
I don't get it??
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I don't get it?? Originally Posted by Rockhard6911
The internet spelling police are looking those who are spelling-challenged.
OMG, you GEEK! I LOVE it!

For those of you non-geeks, this is what OTB is referencing:

This just keeps getting more fun. I did a search on oases just for the hell of it and found THIS:

I bet a lot of clients and providers wish it was for the hobby! LOL!
"Oases" is the name for a very specialized computer program.

Sorry, I was channeling my inner geek.

Or maybe my outer geek -- I sometimes have problems making the distinction.
  • hd
  • 01-12-2011, 01:24 PM
OTB, that's exactly what I was going to say! Post #2
OMG, you GEEK! I LOVE it!

For those of you non-geeks, this is what OTB is referencing:

This just keeps getting more fun. I did a search on oases just for the hell of it and found THIS:

I bet a lot of clients and providers wish it was for the hobby! LOL! Originally Posted by JustMe68
"Web-Based Software for Tutoring Providers" LOL

That's much funnier than my contribution. I genuflect in your approximate direction.
TheBizzer's Avatar
The internet spelling police are looking those who are spelling-challenged. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
It's less about misspellings and more about the change in meanings that ensue. It's all in good fun.

Slightly related, and very funny:

I can't speak for you, but I'm having a blast with you today! Too funny!


THANK YOU for that link!!! I LOVE auto correct foibles and will now be relegated to spend--uh, wasting HOURS scrolling through them all. And people wonder why I never use it.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Only a hunch, but with tits like that--assuming there's truth in advertising--she's not going to be invited to spelling bees anyway.

I can't speak for you, but I'm having a blast with you today! Too funny!
Originally Posted by JustMe68
Back atcha, hun
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-12-2011, 02:01 PM
It's less about misspellings and more about the change in meanings that ensue. It's all in good fun.

Slightly related, and very funny: Originally Posted by TheBizzer
If I bust our giggling in front of my family reading those damn things ONE MORE TIME they are going to steal my laptop.

Grinning from ear to ear! TY.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
It's less about misspellings and more about the change in meanings that ensue. It's all in good fun.

Slightly related, and very funny: Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Hah! Thank you for that. Time for an archive binge...
If I bust our giggling in front of my family reading those damn things ONE MORE TIME they are going to steal my laptop.

Grinning from ear to ear! TY. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Are they not the best??? I look like a raccoon right now from the tears making my mascara run! If I'm not careful, I'll be ROTFLMAO!