Holder Justice Department Reaches New Low

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, friends, you tax dollars will now be spent coaching black pastors on how to campaign for Obama without violating the IRS Code. Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, oops, sorry, that should be the Attorney General for a few citizens, is teaming up with IRS officials to coach liberal pastors how to campaign.

This is just another Obama administration outrage, which will be ignored by the media, and defended by the left.


And we still have a few months before the election. Hold on to your hats.

By the way, I do apologize for comparing AG Holder to John Mitchell in the past. Sincerely, I do. John Mitchell does not deserve that.

They don't even make a pretense of hiding their bias and double standards anymore.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-29-2012, 05:54 PM
He reaches a new low about every 3 days with you.

Either he's worse than Hitler, or you're just an idiot.
Cpalmson's Avatar
He reaches a new low about every 3 days with you.

Either he's worse than Hitler, or you're just an idiot. Originally Posted by Doove
He's worse than Hitler.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Here's my opinion on Holder. He makes Janet Reno look downright competent. Now remember, this is the very Janet Reno who should be rotting in federal prison for multiple counts of murder (Ruby Ridge and Waco). I have no use for Holder. The only reason he has the job is b/c he's black. This is one of those reverse discrimination cases. Hell, I have like about 3 pre-law courses under my belt which makes me imminently more qualified than Holder.
He reaches a new low about every 3 days with you.

Either he's worse than Hitler, or you're just an idiot. Originally Posted by Doove
He reaches a new low every single day. He is a liberal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, Doofe. I'll put you down as in favor of using tax dollars to assist liberal pastors campaigning for Obama avoid 501(c)(3) regulations. Thanks for playing!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought Doofus was one of them atheists.
I guess being a liberal is more important than his outrage at God. Wait, how can a person have outrage at something they do not believe in.
joe bloe's Avatar
I thought Doofus was one of them atheists.
I guess being a liberal is more important than his outrage at God. Wait, how can a person have outrage at something they do not believe in. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The hard core left pretends to be religious when it suits their purpose. I'm sure Obama considers the black ministers to be useful idiots.
mastermind238's Avatar
He reaches a new low about every 3 days with you.

Either he's worse than Hitler, or you're just an idiot. Originally Posted by Doove

How about a third option ... he's worse than the AG that hard core lefties love to hate as the worst AG ever - Alberto Gonzalez.
It's difficult to descend to a lower low than the one reached during the arrangement of a pardon for Marc Rich.

But it seems that at nearly every turn, Holder seeks to demonstrate that he intends to do just that.
LovingKayla's Avatar
He reaches a new low about every 3 days with you.

Either he's worse than Hitler, or you're just an idiot. Originally Posted by Doove

ROTFLMAO!! That is sincerely hilarious! He does reach a new low with you hahahahahah. I've noticed the same thing about him.

Doove, Now that I've had my super funny moment with you, I feel like I can ask you an honest question.... If it turns out that he is worse than hitler, would you be willing to admit it? (Not that it matters because we'd all be in camps), but I think I'm asking what you'd be thinking then?

If you guys are right, then everyone on the right is crazy and none of this really matters because there's no real danger. Just a bunch of fruitcakes a few nuts shy. If you're right, then who cares. Right?

But if the Marxist commy thing does turn out to be right on the money... WTF then? Pretend it is. What do you do?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Damn, I'm so out of touch. I didn't know Hitler had even been the attorney general. Hell, I didn't even know Hitler was a lawyer.