I Dont Want Start Drama Here So Dont Think I Am Ratting,I Need Answer Please Read This Alert!!!

Hi Eccie,

Really I am not trying to start drama.. I have had a problem client for the last 2 years he has been starting rumours, and lies about me. I have tried my best to ingore him and not say a thing for 2 years but it seems like it getting worst and worst by the day....Since now he has went out of his way to make a new review site: removed SD. Which are nothing but lies that has destory my life, I know this is the reason why my phone is not ringing. (( His Lies has cost me everything ))

He has been posting on removed SD my real info, my real address where I live at, cutting me out of picture and adding me to picture that I am not in, he using guy's I have seen before so that he can post bad thing about me and make people belive that my regular have turned bad on me... He has post my family info on there and personal stuff that I dont thank is legal to put on the internet. I know that he has been stealing my mail.In November I went and renew my old DL I have been waitting on it here at my house for about month..So I called Austin,they said they never got it returned back to them yet so I have to wait or go get a new one... Well today I go on removed SD and find out the guy that I have been talking about has it...He post my new DL to the review site?? Is this legal??

I need help and legal advise this has gone to far. Stealing my mail, starting lies, rumours I dont think this is legal... Any help at all please help me.. I dont know where I stand here...

I know there other girls on there that he has been slandering also. I dont want to start drama and put his name on here and his phone number. I just want it to stop. If you want to email me I do have pictures of this guy, emails and number and a address where he lives if you need it. I dont want to slander anyone or start dama on someone that has destroy my life for 2 years.I just want it to end (go away)...I need legal advise or any advise at all... Ingore him and not talking to him is only fueling his fire and making him more upset at me..

Miss Melissa
I'm not sure you'll have any legal recourse....
What would you tell a judge?
"I'm a prostitute and this crazy trick is defaming my pro-persona."
No judge in America will hear that.

Is it not possible for you to start fresh?
Come up with a new persona, dye your hair, get some tats, hide your face, take new pics.
No one would ever know.
notdeadyet's Avatar
If he really has stolen your mail, and you can prove that, contact the post office, or maybe a US Attorney or the FBI. The feds take a dim view of mail theft.
As to that site, there is not much you can do. The few possible actions will be expensive and very time consuming. Remember, they get less than ~500 hits per day there. And most of those are the few actual members using many handles. Your exposure from the site is actualy very small.

If you can prove he has your DL and would have stolen it form the mail to get it, then contact the USPS. Its a federal crime and they will not care what you do for a living.

Also, there are many handles used there that match ones here. Remember its a different site and just because the names are the same does not mean they are the same person.
(Uh...you do realize that by making this thread people who don't know you or anything about any drama being tied to you are going to go to that site and do a search and make popcorn.)

(PS.....you outed yourself when you posted about your RL business)

(PSS.....you might want to delete your facebook page or fix your privacy settings)

(PSSS.....you look familiar, have you done any porn?)

(PSSSS....I noticed in the x-rated pictures posted there that you don't shave. Did you respond to the ISO about girls who are unshaven? Very good underserved market!!!)
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
Im not sure if you can do anything about what was said online but I'm no attorney. But if you can prove mail theft, then that is definitely something you can use. Mail theft is no joke and it isn't treated as such.
I'm glad Im back.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Shit, on a different thread you guys jumped all over some poor bastard for a one time incident where he was stood up and watched the providers incall to prove it, saying he was a creepy stalker, and now a real stalker comes along and no one thinks anything can be done about it?
Stealing a drivers license from a mailbox ain't kosher!
Mail theft = bad news. That's a federal, not state crime, and the feds don't take kindly to it if you can prove it.

Fines and imprisonment not to exceed 5 years ,I believe. And I suspect if he's using the stolen docs to harass you, he's more likely to get jail time.
I love fucking LMM. And I love that furry bush. Just sayin'.
Go to the police and explain that someone went through your mail, stole your ID, and put it on their website.

Let them take it from there.

He is not going to like or want any further drama from KE when they knock on his door.

They can trace the original uploaded of your license.

Sorry that you have to go through this.

Change your persona.....It is 2013, get in the gym, change your hair color, hair style and start brand new.

You can do it!
Again, Mail theft is handled by the US Postal Inspector. Check online at USPS.com or contact your local Poat office.
The OP's alleged profession as an escort would not be the focus of the FBI or post office if her email, DL or other private communications has been illegally interecepted/diverted. As mentioned before they're most likely to investigate the offender rather than the OP's alleged conduct as an escort. The sex-for-$ angle might interest them enough to alert local LE but most likely the fed's concern would be focused on the man's propensity to engage in identity theft, which is a hot button offense at the federal level at the moment, and local LE isn't diligent enough to follow up on crap like this UNLESS the OP's conduct is so outrageous/obvious that she strikes them as someone throwing her conduct out there like a slap in the face.
Thanks eveyone for your advise.. I will look into it.. I know I have proof that he has stole my mail.. I am tired of the drama with him.. I just want have fun and get away from all of his drama... I am turning 34 this month ( Jan. 17) and still looking good for myself and I am tried of the drama... Where is the fun at???
Wow all the advice telling LMM to go to the police is some of the worst info I've seen.! She will have to explain a lot of things to the police before getting to the statement," that's how me and this guy know each other" Sorry LMM messing around in the hobby can be bad for providers and hobbyist. We meet total strangers and expose, even if limited, shit about ourselves and the people we meet do the same as part of this "life style" choice..cops are a bad idea....