The democratic big tent...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The democratic party is known as the party of special interests. They are all things to all people. How does this work? The recent turndown of the Keystone XL pipeline should be an example;

Environmental activist: We want to protect the environment at all costs. We are the morally correct people.

Presidential Aid: We understand and the president supports you fully. Do you support him? (takes the check) Trust the president to do the right thing. Thank you for your support.

President (on the stump): When I am elected to my second term I assure the people that protecting the environment will be my number one priority.

Union Leader: We don't give a rat's behind about the trees and bees. We are all about the working man and jobs. Good jobs for union members. We supported the president before and we would like to support him again

Presidential Aid: We hear you. Jobs are going to be the president's biggest priorty after the election and we have always counted on your support. (takes the check) Trust the president to do the right thing. Thank you for your support.

President (on the stump): When I am elected to my second term it is my intent to focus like a laser beam on job creation. Good paying jobs will be my first, number one priority.

Gay Activist: We need gay marriage to be approved of by the president. He needs to push Congress for a federal law or you can't count on our support.

Presidential Aid: Look you flamer. You don't have any other place to go except us. The president will support your cause as long as you support him. (takes the check) Thank you for your support. Trust the president to do the right thing. Now get off your knees.

President (on the stump): The battle for civil rights is not over in this country. Not as long people are not given the right to marry whom they love. We intend to support all civil rights for everyone. Civil rights will be my number one priority.

Black Baptist Church Leader: We need the president to support family values, our family values. He can count on our continued support if he continues to support us.

Presidential Aid: The president takes you very seriously and is counting on your volunteers in the upcoming election. (takes a much smaller check) Trust the president to do the right thing.

President (on the stump): Traditional values are what made this country pretty good for most of us. I intend to keep those values strong and they will be my number one priority.

Hollywood Producer: Look I like making movies and my movies make money, lots of money. I cleared over 100 million last year alone. I don't need anyone telling me my movies are decaying moral values. What's more moral than making money?

Presidential Aid: The president is a big support of artistic freedoms. He also appreciates the stances you take in your films. You know you have his support. (takes the check) Trust the president to do the right thing.

President (on the stump): American culture is the envy of the world. Our values are promoted by Hollywood around the world. We need their input and should take heed to their opinions. Supporting their projects will be my number one priority.

Half of the American people: Hollywood is putting out garbage and that we don't care about. The gay agenda is attacking our values. We need jobs without the hooks of union membership and we need the environmentalist are stifling our industry. We're not giving you any money to do your job.

Presidential Aid: (yawn) that's interesting... Let me assure you that the president supports...supports...oh forget it. Look vote for our man or we'll call you a racist. Don't worry about the money, we've already taken what we need from you.

President (on the stump): I want to thank some very special people out there. People who support my plans. We are the people we've been waiting for.

The problem with juggling all of these balls is that when you drop one the rest generally fall as well.
And they all said "gimme my Obama Money"

As John F Kennedy said, (revised Democrat version for modern Liberals pandering for votes), "Ask not what you can do for your Country, ask what your Country can do for you".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And they all said "gimme my Obama Money"

As John F Kennedy said, (revised Democrat version for modern Liberals pandering for votes), "Ask not what you can do for your Country, ask what your Country can do for you". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Michelle Malkin is a whore. Every one knows that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I didn't know that!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Michelle Malkin is a whore. Every one knows that. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
that was low, bernie!