Trump creates new branch of the military

dallasfan's Avatar
The space force.

Now I thought trump was just worried about illegal aliens. The little green men from out of space must be ready to attack.
CG2014's Avatar
dallasfan's Avatar
Might be his way of funding the US-Mexico wall. The space force will protect against aliens both domestic and intergalactic.
CG2014's Avatar
I voted for him thinking since he is not a career politician, he will bring change to the old Washington establishment and clean up the town and return the government back to the way the founders of this country intended it to be: of the people, by the people, for the people (written by John Wycliffe in 1384, not by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, he actually borrowed it).

I am sure many folks who voted for him thought the same thing I did.

But it seems he is just off his rocker half of the time.

Someone needs to take away his capability to Tweet because 90% of the time when he Tweets, he is either not making sense or he comes across as crazy and stupid.

I also think Alzeheimer's might be setting in on him already because he Tweets one thing and then he opens his mouth and say the exact opposite of what he Tweeted and contradicts himself.

I don't think he will get a second term and I also think he may not even make it to the end of this term.

He has made too many enemies already and pissed off just about every one in the past 17 plus months:

Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Moderates, Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Hispanic, African Americans, White, Asian, Arabs, Muslims, Islamic, almost every other country in the world friendly and hostile, plus God knows who else he has pissed off that we don't know about.

I can't recall any President in my lifetime who has fired so many people or caused so many people to quit in such a short period of time: the national security advisor, the FBI director, the Secretary of State, and on and on, etc etc

These are not a clerk or a typist or a secretary on his staff, these are big important people in his cabinet.

I am surprised the Vice-President hasn't walked out on him yet.

Here's a list as of May 2nd:
Obvious Lee's Avatar
Misfire, sorry
billw1032's Avatar
The President seems to be the kind of person who, in his business career, was a "thrive on chaos" kind of manager. Some business people like that, a chaotic environment with lots of people generating lots of ideas and the boss chooses what he thinks is best. If the manager is a smart guy/gal that style can produce good results in the business world, but people whose ideas are rejected can get pretty upset. It's also a really unsettling environment for politicians and government folks who crave stability.

And yet, last I heard, the right-track/wrong-track poll continues to trend upward. Also, a couple of Republican congress-critters who were "Never-Trumpers" got defeated in recent primaries. So what he's doing must be resonating with someone out there.

Being an Air Force veteran myself, I have mixed feelings about this Space Force idea, but I'm inclined to think (tentatively) that it might be a good idea. Traditionally the rocket and satellite business has belonged to the Air Force, but with Russia and China building high-powered lasers and projected energy weapons that can take out satellites we may need to focus more attention on that arena. I'm sure Air Force leadership will squawk, but under the current structure their attention will be divided between the fighter/bomber/transport side and the rocket/satellite/space-operations side. Ultimately it will depend on how it is implemented, of course.
CG2014's Avatar
I have worked for managers and business owners like Trump.

It's not good working environment and culture.

It's like being in hell every day and you can't quit until you find something better because you need that paycheck.
dallasfan's Avatar
I feel bad for his press secretaries. Having to spout a bunch of lies (or alternate facts) for him everyday. You have to sell your soul to the devil to do the job.

But trump is no dummy. If you see him doing these things it is most likely to cover something else up or to draw our attention away from something else.
Of course it yakes congress to fund a new branch of the military through appropriated funds, so my guess is this is like many years away from actually happening.

Given the current disarray of NASA (thanks Obama for your stewardship there...... oh wait nevermind), decentralized cyber bullshit, the lack of accountability in missile defense (which litetally launches nuclear weapons into space when necessary) and our continued reliance on foreign governments for space related activity. I am all for this.

Hopefully it will lead to more robust exploration and teamwork with foreign nations that results in us not resting on accomplishments of 50 years ago but actually achieving sonething more that a multi billion dollar drone.

But that is just me.

Oh yeah and lets not forget the mega tons of clutter in orbit that will need to be cleaned up so we can put more advanced technologies to use.

Trump gets an F for delivery in my book but the thought process is correct.
CG2014's Avatar
What happened to Reagan's Star Wars Defense program?
What happened to Reagan's Star Wars Defense program? Originally Posted by CG2014

Was likely a treaty violation since a number of countries signed on to not putting nukes in space. Kinetic energy weapons are a whole other deal and the technology is just now catching up to the idea. Ultimately, a little ahead of its time.

But given new tech, we can do some shit if we had devoted resources rather than half assed approach we have now.
CG2014's Avatar
NO space rays? Phasers side arms? Photon torpedoes? Blasters?
dallasfan's Avatar
Don’t think you can have a space force until you can actually get a man to mars consistently. We can kill each other on earth pretty easy right now.
CG2014's Avatar
Mars? Let's start with a base on a moon first.


To get there we need a dependable space shuttle that can fly to space and back anytime its needed without taking months and years between launches and the USA, Russia or China doesn't have it.
texassapper's Avatar
I feel bad for his press secretaries. Having to spout a bunch of lies (or alternate facts) for him everyday. You have to sell your soul to the devil to do the job.

But trump is no dummy. If you see him doing these things it is most likely to cover something else up or to draw our attention away from something else. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Yeah, because none of the previous administrations ever LIED right?

If things continue in a straight line...which they rarely do, he's already a lock on a second term. For the Lefties to have any hope in 2020, they'll have to assassinate Trump. Which I wouldn't put past them given recent history...