-20 in Indiana today? Chicago is minus 19. How do people cope in such grueling cold?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
A lot of the country is in super cold weather conditions this week and I've been considering how fortunate it is to NOT be dealing with living in a place that the high is going to be -8 degrees today. And lower in some places.

A very long time ago, I worked with a lady who had lived in Alaska. And she would tell me that you couldn't walk outside without your face covered and the cars had parking spaces where one would plug in a heater (where? under the hood? not sure) in the car engine to keep it from freezing.

Just thinking about being in that type of cold makes me wish to run into the other room and get under the covers!

Do people actually get out of the house when the temps are under zero? I mean, people have to work, right?

Thought this might be a somewhat generic, but interesting, topic for those living in Texas.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Know this topic seems rather elementary but gosh, just READING about the weather in the mid-west is making me want to cuddle with someone!!!
WalkerTx's Avatar
A lot of the country is in super cold weather conditions this week and I've been considering how fortunate it is to NOT be dealing with living in a place that the high is going to be -8 degrees today. And lower in some places.

A very long time ago, I worked with a lady who had lived in Alaska. And she would tell me that you couldn't walk outside without your face covered and the cars had parking spaces where one would plug in a heater (where? under the hood? not sure) in the car engine to keep it from freezing.

Just thinking about being in that type of cold makes me wish to run into the other room and get under the covers!

Do people actually get out of the house when the temps are under zero? I mean, people have to work, right?

Thought this might be a somewhat generic, but interesting, topic for those living in Texas.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Believe it or not, most folks up north are used to it. If I remember correctly, the engine heaters are plugged in thru the grille. Also, some cities like Minneapolis have a skywalk system, so folks that work downtown can go from their garage to their office and not even go outside. As for the rural areas, most know how to prepare for the weather. All that being said, I wouldn't go back to living up there !
Expect a baby boom in the Midwest nine months from now.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Expect a baby boom in the Midwest nine months from now. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Oh gosh. Hadn't thought of that!!!


Contacted one of my clients from up in that direction this afternoon, think that even for the people used to regularly frigid weather, it's been especially challenging.
CG2014's Avatar
If the pipes bursts and/or the electricity goes out, you are in trouble unless you have a big supply of bottled water, batteries, flashlights, portable generator and gasoline (but you don't want to run a portable generator indoor anyway especially if you live in an apartment complex), canned food, portable camping grill that use a small 1 lb propane canister, and plenty of thick clothing.
  • MRMR
  • 01-30-2019, 03:20 PM
Some spots in Minnesota were as low as -78 w/wind Chill.

I really like Texas
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Some spots in Minnesota were as low as -78 w/wind Chill.

I really like Texas Originally Posted by MRMR
I feel for them. And keep thinking about the homeless population.

Or people in other types of fragile living conditions. No heat, etc.

-78 is unimaginable to me.
Those temps are coupled with what’s called wind chill think of it as humidity but for cold...

May actually be 10 degrees with a windchill of around -20 also some super fucked up stuff called “lake effect”

Needless to say NOPE to all of it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
How do people cope in such grueling cold?

Poorly and with difficulty, if they’re lucky. Otherwise, they die.
CG2014's Avatar

This reminds me of that 2004 movie The Day After Tomorrow where the Northern half of the USA was suddenly frozen over, literally in minutes.


A massive storm system develops in the northern hemisphere, splitting into three gigantic hurricane-like superstorms above Canada, Scotland, and Siberia. The storms pull frozen air from the upper troposphere into their center, flash-freezing anything caught in their eyes with temperatures below −150 degrees Fahrenheit (−101 degrees Celsius)

LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Know this topic seems rather elementary but gosh, just READING about the weather in the mid-west is making me want to cuddle with someone!!! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I doubt if you would have problems finding volunteers.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
How do people cope in such grueling cold?

Poorly and with difficulty, if they’re lucky. Otherwise, they die. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Glanced at the Chicago Tribune yesterday and some man was dropped off at his house but he didn't have the house keys. He died from the cold as a result of being locked out of the house.

Think he was a guest there or something. Died on the front porch.

Rather awful to think about.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I doubt if you would have problems finding volunteers. Originally Posted by LargeBreastFan
That's sweet to say and perhaps that could be true if I asked around. grin.

But most men aren't really into (just) cuddling when they're with me.