American Manufacturing?

pyramider's Avatar
A bygone era . . .
I am in manufacturing, we actually make stuff. I will not say what, this is a SHMB.

Let me clue you in, not much of anything is manufactured here any more. We recieve large parts from very recognizable companies all the time, just read the casting tag, or the bill of Laden.

A very good example is Steel. The United States used to be one of the major producers. Less than 5 percent of all of the steel used in this Country is actually made here.

And we all know why.
US fertilizer manufacutrers, with overseas plants, want to return to the US because natural gas prices are so low.............but Obama's EPA makes that impossible.

Don't beleive Obama when he says he wants manufacturing to return to the US.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-25-2012, 04:33 PM
Obama's EPA makes that impossible

You misspelled Nixon.

Nonetheless, Congress has to pass laws before the EPA can act on them .... making it as much Red as Blue
wellendowed1911's Avatar
US fertilizer manufacutrers, with overseas plants, want to return to the US because natural gas prices are so low.............but Obama's EPA makes that impossible.

Don't beleive Obama when he says he wants manufacturing to return to the US. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No maybe we should believe Bush who in years outsouce more jobs than any recent President.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-25-2012, 04:48 PM
No maybe we should believe Bush who in years outsouce more jobs than any recent President. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Nonetheless, Congress has to pass laws before the EPA can act on them .... making it as much Red as Blue Originally Posted by CJ7
Not really. A court ruling in 2003 made CO2 a "pollutant" that was under the jurisdiction of the EPA ( The Obama administration is using the EPA to enforce its green agenda.
Co2 a pollutant? Every plant on Earth is a criminal.
In order to stop or reverse the loss of manufacturing jobs to overseas locations we must first identify why they left the US to put their factories overseas. One of the reasons is regulatory (over regulating). Another has to do with corporate taxes which according the news are higher in the US than any other country in the world. Labor costs are factor too as unions have driven labor (combined with worker benefits) to levels that make it hard for US companies to compete (compared to overseas labor costs) To bring back manufacturing to the US we have to reduce (not eliminate) regulatory roadblocks, lower corporate taxes at least to be competitive with other countries, allow factories to hire and pay non union workers, and reduce their their union employ benefit packages to be more in line with benefits available to non union workers. No single action will do the trick and more may be required to entice companies back to the US. And we must NOT raise taxes on investments above the current 15% (which is actually money earned and taxed as income most likely at 28% plus and then invested in companies and then taxed an additional 15%, if we want to encourage people to invest in companies in America. In addition we must eliminate all tax incentives given to companies that do move their factories overseas, at least as regards to the tax breaks related to the move. Kind of a carrot and stick theme. I read or heard recently that congress passed 40 THOUSAND new laws in the last session. Do we really need 40,000 new laws? Supposedly there are billions and billions of dollars held by corporations overseas that can not be utilized stateside without major taxes being paid out by those corporations. What if we allowed them to invest all those billions back in the US with no taxes on it? Do you think that would creat a few million new jobs and build a few thousand new factories? (without our current taxes being used as a bailout and increasing our national debit....after all we are not collecting on that money anyway since it is just parked in overseas banks and investments)
JDriller, some truth in your post (although I'd wish you'd use paragraphs) but until China, India and other Asian countries institute the below policies for the next 20 years, we ain't getting those jobs back:

-Social Security
-Food Stamps/WIC
-Unemployment Benefits
-Public Education that focuses on multiculturalism and delivers (virtually) free school breakfasts and lunches

The expense of the following would be nice but I'm glad they don't follow through (with the exception of China) with it:
-army, navy, air force functioning as the world Policeman complete with nuclear capabilities including carrier task forces and Trident submarines
Co2 a pollutant? Every plant on Earth is a criminal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
There is no such thing as an ILLEGAL plant! ...ah, err
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Number One, Nixon is dead and has been for sometime. Would you call it Washington's Army or John Adam's Navy? I didn't think so. It is Obama's EPA.

The EPA doesn't need laws, they create regulations and Congress has no role in their enforcement. Over 900 new regulations since Obama took office. The EPA banned the use of DDT without any action by Congress and 12 million people are dead now from malaria.

Despite the mantra from the left presidents do not out source anything except government jobs. Private jobs are out sourced due to economics, tax regulations, unions, and EPA regulations.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-26-2012, 11:50 AM
spin it anyway you want JD.

Congress has to give the EPA the authority to set and enforce regulations.