The Police-Industrial Complex...

I've posted about this in the past. Since when did every cop become a commando?

It isn't just SWAT cops:

This bullshit - and the for-profit prison industry - are a greater threat to your freedom than any drone.

Key quote:
"Want to make money on the drug war? Start a company that builds military equipment, then sell that gear to local police departments. Thanks to the generation-long trend toward more militarized police forces, there's now massive and growing market for private companies to outfit your neighborhood cops with gear that's more appropriate for a battlefield."

We need to de-criminalize most drugs. And we need to release all non-violent drug inmates. Put the prison industry out of business and take the money we save on incarceration and use it on drug treatment.

And get rid of all the macho cop combat teams.

Except for very limited circumstances, this has no place in free society:

I suspect that the above photo was taken during the Boston Bomber manhunt, but even THAT was a massive over-reaction to TWO nutjobs.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 03:02 PM
boys and their toys ... if they got em they play with em ... show and tell so to speak.

Look out bad guys
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 03:21 PM
heres one you can appreciate ... Addison cops were in the process of pulling a car over for a bad tail light, the dude ran ... he wound up in an abandoned wearhouse off Belt Line,,, 10 minutes later the perimeter of the wearhouse looked like a Swat convention, 30 minutes went by nothing ... they decided to send in a K9 .... so they called Richardson PD and requested one ... Addison aint got no dog !!!


true story
You guys are 10 years late on this!
You guys are 10 years late on this! Originally Posted by zerodahero
We humbly apologize for letting you down.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Damn. I should stay away more often! ExNYer posts a good thread! Totally agree with you on this XNY.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
another left wing conspiracy theory...
Damn. I should stay away more often! ExNYer posts a good thread! Totally agree with you on this XNY. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Damn good advice. Do it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There is a reason they will not stop the war on drugs and virtually eliminate the cartels; it is because it is BIG business and a lot of people are making fortunes on both sides of the law.
I eat lunch at a local restaurant on occasion that is frequented by various law enforcement personnel.

They come swaggering in with about every sort of "uniform" amaginable. They all have one thing in common, that para military look. Glocks hanging from belts. Combat Boots. bloused pants. Many look like they are on steroids.

I detest them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

16 open carry people versus several police officers: Liberty, Missouri (2011)
Whatever happened to the good old days?

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Terrists....gotta keep the people safe, ya know
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh yeah, I feel so much safer because we have hundreds of different LE agencies and they all lobby to further infringe on our rights.
What do you want a national police force? Then there will be only one.