The President That Told The Truth:

When ever there is controversy we all seek the truth. One thing we value in our leaders is their honesty, so that we all can have confidence in their decisions that affect us all.

To Sin by Silence, when we should Protest, makes Cowards out of Men.
W.E. Wheeler
Wow. A speech by JFK in which he criticizes the keeping of secrets by government.

The mind boggles at the hypocrisy.
Wow. A speech by JFK in which he criticizes the keeping of secrets by government.

The mind boggles at the hypocrisy. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yeah to bad we can't get a president today to give a speech like that. For the past Fifty years all we have been getting is "Lip Service"
Damn liberals.
Yeah to bad we can't get a president today to give a speech like that. For the past Fifty years all we have been getting is "Lip Service" Originally Posted by acp5762
I think you missed my point about JFK and the keeping of secrets. Let's just say it was something of a Kennedy family tradition.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I think you missed my point about JFK and the keeping of secrets. Let's just say it was something of a Kennedy family tradition. Originally Posted by ExNYer
you mean this secret?
you mean this secret? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
So he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Did that really affect the country? But people held it against him. But it was also none our business, because it didn't interfere how he ran his presidency. If JFK's only flaw was that he slept with Marilyn Monroe that's far better and much more forgiving than what presidents after him have done. I don't have to remind you Iam sure. We all have our personal secrets and regrets, Go inform your Boss and your Co-workers you pay for pussy. See how it might affect their opinion of you, or better yet members of your family or social circle. Even with an affair, Kennedy was the last real president this country had. We will never see anything like him again in our life time.
So he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Did that really affect the country? But people held it against him. But it was also none our business, because it didn't interfere how he ran his presidency. If JFK's only flaw was that he slept with Marilyn Monroe that's far better and much more forgiving than what presidents after him have done. I don't have to remind you Iam sure. We all have our personal secrets and regrets, Go inform your Boss and your Co-workers you pay for pussy. See how it might affect their opinion of you, or better yet members of your family or social circle. Even with an affair, Kennedy was the last real president this country had. We will never see anything like him again in our life time. Originally Posted by acp5762
He was a man of the people. No doubt.

We are due for another true leader. We will have to cycle threw this Marxist BS first.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He was a man of the people. No doubt.

We are due for another true leader. We will have to cycle threw this Marxist BS first. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Well I certainly agree with you. We are due another leader like Kennedy. But in order for that to happen we must recognize him/her as such. That maybe hard for the majority of Americans to do. Kennedy's views are nothing like previous presidents, especially the one present. The Government is not designed to hold it's people by the hand. Like Kennedy mentioned in the video. Man should live the way he was designed to live, free and independent.
JCM800's Avatar
If JFK's only flaw was that he slept with Marilyn Monroe that's far better and much more forgiving than what presidents after him have done Originally Posted by acp5762
that's a flaw?
Well I certainly agree with you. We are due another leader like Kennedy. But in order for that to happen we must recognize him/her as such. That maybe hard for the majority of Americans to do. Kennedy's views are nothing like previous presidents, especially the one present. The Government is not designed to hold it's people by the hand. Like Kennedy mentioned in the video. Man should live the way he was designed to live, free and independent. Originally Posted by acp5762
So he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Did that really affect the country? But people held it against him. But it was also none our business, because it didn't interfere how he ran his presidency. If JFK's only flaw was that he slept with Marilyn Monroe that's far better and much more forgiving than what presidents after him have done. I don't have to remind you Iam sure. We all have our personal secrets and regrets, Go inform your Boss and your Co-workers you pay for pussy. See how it might affect their opinion of you, or better yet members of your family or social circle. Even with an affair, Kennedy was the last real president this country had. We will never see anything like him again in our life time. Originally Posted by acp5762

The affair with Marilyn Monroe was benign. The affair with Judith Exner was insanity.

It might have been instrumental in getting him killed.
So he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Did that really affect the country? But people held it against him. But it was also none our business, because it didn't interfere how he ran his presidency. If JFK's only flaw was that he slept with Marilyn Monroe that's far better and much more forgiving than what presidents after him have done. Originally Posted by acp5762
MM was only a minor secret. What about that whole Bay of Pigs disaster? What about the multiple attempts to depose Castro, including reaching out to the Mafia? How much transparency went on there?

What about Kennedy approving the CIA-backed coup (and assassination) of Ngo Dinh Diem in November 1963?

How much transparency there?

What about using the FBI to spy on folks? JFK's right hand man, Bobby Kennedy had dirt on half of Washington and was not afraid to use it - in secret, of course - to further JFK's agenda. Why do you think JFK picked a FAMILY member as attorney general? Unquestioning loyalty, that's why. What better way was there to keep secrets?

None of this is to condemn Kennedy more than any other President. I just point out that JFK was no different that most other Presidents.

All of that talk about "Camelot" is a bunch of bullshit. He was a deeply flawed man and his marriage was something of a front.

Even with an affair, Kennedy was the last real president this country had. Originally Posted by acp5762
So, LBJ, Carter, Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Clinton were not "real" Presidents? What is the qualification to be real?
MM was only a minor secret. What about that whole Bay of Pigs disaster? What about the multiple attempts to depose Castro, including reaching out to the Mafia? How much transparency went on there?

What about Kennedy approving the CIA-backed coup (and assassination) of Ngo Dinh Diem in November 1963?

How much transparency there?

What about using the FBI to spy on folks? JFK's right hand man, Bobby Kennedy had dirt on half of Washington and was not afraid to use it - in secret, of course - to further JFK's agenda. Why do you think JFK picked a FAMILY member as attorney general? Unquestioning loyalty, that's why. What better way was there to keep secrets?

None of this is to condemn Kennedy more than any other President. I just point out that JFK was no different that most other Presidents.

All of that talk about "Camelot" is a bunch of bullshit. He was a deeply flawed man and his marriage was something of a front.

So, LBJ, Carter, Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Clinton were not "real" Presidents? What is the qualification to be real? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You didn't list any secrets. What are the qualifications of a real president you ask. First off not to be a puppet. Since Kennedy that's all we've had is puppets. That's all we'll ever get. election after election year after year until we're finished.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2013, 02:18 PM
had the internet been around during kennedy, there would be a much larger split in the publics opinion